Photo Live Magazine First Issue Photo live - cat's add in 2017 versioin | Page 160

Victoria Bampton “The Lightroom queen” The team at Photo Live were sitting around sharing a drink and discuss- ing pre digital photography versus today’s photography. One topic we talked about for a while is how much post processing did photographers do in the dark room. Talking to our friend Sarah (see her interview earli- er in this issue) she said that people like Ansel Adams were masters of the darkroom. Dodging and burning, according to Ansel Adams were required in his famous photo, Moonrise, so that the sky looked darker. Doing some Google snooping around we found many examples of processing pre digital. Master printer, Pablo Inirio use to make test prints and then make notations on what he felt an image needed for the final print. Today things are easier, there’s no need to get a master printer to do the hard work (although having a good retoucher is a bonus for many photographers), you can do quite a bit of adjusting in Adobe Photoshop 160 Lightroom. With that in mind we asked the Lightroom Queen herself, Victoria Bampton about post pro- cessing of images both