Photo Live Magazine First Issue Photo live - cat's add in 2017 versioin | Page 109

music background, I knew how to produce audio, which helped me re- cord my first podcasts. My interest in photography gave me something to talk about and my business back- ground allowed me to understand internet distribution and also helped me cross the language barrier. I am German, back then, podcasting was so new, there were virtually no pod- cast listeners in my home country. Podcasting allowed me for the first time to find an international audi- ence. And while I cringe a bit, when listening to my first few episodes, over time and with the weekly train- ing, my English and my production skills improved. I released my first episode in April 2005 and the first months were quite a rollercoaster ride. I saw this whole field more as a playground than anything else, and I had the very naive assumption that I could explain photography in about 10 episodes. That was my initial plan, but after a few episodes, Tips from the Top Floor had 500 listeners. When Apple later that year released iTunes 4.9 with podcast support, that number literally grew ten-fold overnight. And a workshop leader? At the same time as more and more people discovered the show, I began receiving emails from listeners ask- ing me if there would ever be a “live version” of the podcast. Something along the lines of a workshop. So I planned out a first event in my stu- dio here in Germany and a wonderful group of people showed up from all over the world. We had participants from the US, the UK, from Italy and from Germany. That’s when I realized that holding photo workshops had a chance become part of my business. This initial workshop in 2006 was fol- lowed by my first US workshop tour in 2007 and 2008. Through podcast- ing I also met Jon Miller, a film-maker from Colorado who produced “The 109