Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 5
The Journal born out our personal interest in philosophical question, while, many sprung
philosophy discussions groups, in our case we like to bring the discussion to general public.
In the US, philosophy is academy discipline; while in many regions philosophy is required as
part of the basic education, in the US philosophy has despaired from the curriculum, today the
main talk is the dismissal of the Liberal Art education, relegated to the obscurity, the reason
education has turn to be not for development and growth of the individual, but reduced
education to simple a commodity. Historically philosophy has been the first to be dismiss and
consider education has been transform to a vocational or trade, in part Philosophy have
become an institutional threat, because encourage personal introspect and worst encourage
scepticism. Philosophy is not just about tough or given just a prospective, but more,
philosophy gives a context and tool for perspective in deepness. Our hope every issue bring
provocative and challenge questions, old or new, but in end we hope our reader come with
some scepticism, but with not fear in tackling and read about very eternal and difficult
questions. The Journal is a platform for open and difficult discussions, in a civil manner, and
following the idea of Socratic Method of interaction, should be carrying in the form of a
Journal. Our hope every issue bring provocative and challenge questions, old or new, but in
end we hope our reader come with some scepticism, but with not fear in tackling and read
about very eternal and difficult questions. The Journal is open to any one brave enough to
write down his/her thoughts, the peer review re our readers, more important is not criticism or
what was missing,
but open a discussion, so we can get a better understanding