Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 16

Dambrot S M post-scarcity environment, the definition of post-scarcity economics then becomes the post- capital, technology-enabled, demand-responsive transformation of resources into goods, services and information that are provided to individuals or groups who acquire them. That being said, post-scarcity embodiments have been conceptualized for many years. The efforts most salient to the thesis herein include Technocracy Movement 19 , which proposed replacing politicians and businesspeople with scientists and engineers who had the technical expertise to manage the economy; Venus Project 20 , which calls for a culture redesign to make war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering unacceptable and explores the determinants of behavior to dispel the myth of human nature, asserting that environment shapes behavior; Zeitgeist Movement, 21 reminiscent of the Technocracy Movement and previously aligned with the Venus Project, is focused on technology, post-scarcity, post- capital, post-labor and direct (nonrepresentational) governance; and Transpolitica 22 , a grassroots Transhumanist political organization focused on enabling society to transcend the limitations and constraints of today’s political models.