Philosophically minded Natural Health, Welfare & Liberty Intro
“There comes a time, in the course of all spirits’ events, when a dumb-foundedness overcomes
the scopes of emotion. Why? There is not fear of death. There is not jealousy for those who
may have wanted not moreso than I want not in the House of the Lord. As if to not just question,
but battle against me for what I have exercised as mine own freedom of choice, which choice is
not interference in their ridiculousness - but, of course, that is mine own opinion. So whence
should such opposition, or spiritual strength against, end? Ah, a different kind of death, perhaps,
that only the individual souls of the oppressors’ must realize. Fore I, I want not, and I am
happy...I am content to be in conjunction with God the Master, and I just write them off, as I
must, to history.” - PAETI GUSTAV XAVIERS