Philosophers on politics
Donald Trump successfully defeated Hilary Clinton, defying all odds and polls in an electoral landslide in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. A substantial portion of the population, in fact the most popular portion of the population, are dealing with feelings of alienation and fear. Supporters of Trump, however, are basking in glory. These recent events have left philosophers with many topics to discuss and learn from, to which there are several perspectives in need of consideration. Contrary to popular belief, philosophers rarely delve into the chaotic world of politics, shying away from debating real moral and political issues. However, throughout the 2016 election race, many have decided to weigh in. Most philosophers use their influence to oppose Trump's election, like Prof. Harry Frankfurt who calls Trump a "master of bullshit". Few philosophers advocate for Trump, yet surprisingly the post-Marxist provocateur Slavoj Zizek said that while Trump "[terrifies him]", Trump's victory "will be a kind of big awakening. [With] new political processes [that] will be set in motion.” Obviously, views on party affiliation and politics differ from philosopher to philosopher. However, the common goal of having productive conversation in the philosophical community does not. As a result, this segment is dedicated to summarizing and analyzing comprehensive statements philosophers worldwide have made on the 2016 U.S. Election and the questionable failure of democracy.