Philo | Page 2

Magazine Aug 2016

Mission Statement

An aspiring non-profit organization promoting good by using collective social energy and digital media.

1) We strive to unite social justice agencies with businesses in an effort to cultivate employees with a more acute awareness of pressing humanitarian issues;

2.) to build stronger communities by promoting ethical business practice and product consumption amongst residents;

3) to assess businesses needs and pair them with social justice agencies capable of filling any empty niches;

4.) to bring awareness to humanitarian issues and diversity using the power of digital mediums, specifically film

Using the ubiquity of the web, Philo aims to provide a digital landscape where visitors can access information about the movement, social causes and local businesses that have partnered with Philo. In addition, using the web as a home base allows us to create an ecclectic point for gathering around the common topic of social issues and justice.

Philo's Hub