Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 5

10 Airport Profiles 10.1 The Philippines Airports 10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Operator profile 10.1.3 Routes 11 Company Profiles - Airlines 11.1 Company Profile: Cebu Air, Inc. 11.1.1 Cebu Air, Inc. - company overview 11.1.2 Cebu Air, Inc. -business description 11.1.3 Cebu Air, Inc. - main services Read Complete Report With TOC @ 11.1.4 Cebu Air, Inc. -history 11.1.5 Cebu Air, Inc. -SWOT analysis 11.1.6 Cebu Air, Inc. -strengths 11.1.7 Cebu Air, Inc. -weaknesses 11.1.8 Cebu Air, Inc. -opportunities 11.1.9 Cebu Air, Inc. -threats 11.1.10 Cebu Air, Inc. - key employees 11.2 Company Profile: PAL Holdings, Inc. 11.2.1 PAL Holdings, Inc. - company overview 11.2.2 PAL Holdings, Inc. - business description 11.2.3 PAL Holdings, Inc. - main services 11.2.4 PAL Holdings, Inc. - history 11.2.5 PAL Holdings, Inc. - SWOT analysis