Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 7

12.3.1 Best Western International , Inc . - company overview 12.3.2 Best Western International , Inc . - main services and brands 12.3.3 Best Western International , Inc . - key employees 12.4 Company Profile : Archipelago International 12.4.1 Archipelago International - company overview 12.4.2 Archipelago International - main services and brands 12.4.3 Archipelago International - key employees 12.5 Company Profile : Marriott International , Inc . 12.5.1 Marriott International , Inc . - company overview 12.5.2 Marriott International , Inc . - main services and brands 12.5.3 Marriott International , Inc . - key employees
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13 Company Profiles - Car Rental 13.1 Company Profile : Avis Philippines 13.1.1 Avis Philippines- company overview 13.1.2 Avis Philippines- main services 13.1.3 Avis the Philippines- key employees 13.2 Company Profile : Hertz Rent a Car ( the Philippines ) 13.2.1 Hertz Rent a Car ( Philippines ) - company overview 13.2.2 Hertz Rent a Car ( Philippines ) - main services 13.2.3 Hertz Rent a Car ( Philippines ) - key employees 13.3 Company Profile : Europcar Philippines
13.3.1 Europcar Philippines - company overview 13.3.2 Europcar Philippines - main services 13.4 Company Profile : Gemini Transport Services , Inc .