Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 3

4.1 The Market 4.1.1 Domestic tourism 4.1.2 Inbound tourism 4.1.3 Outbound tourism 4.2 Key Developments 4.2.1 Government policy 4.2.2 Casinos 4.2.3 " It ' s More Fun in the Philippines " replaced with " Bangon ( rise ) Tours " 4.2.4 Targeting Vietnam
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4.2.5 DoT receives US $ 7.1 million grant 4.2.6 Poor infrastructure 4.3 Canadean View 4.3.1 Domestic tourism 4.3.2 Inbound tourism 4.3.3 Outbound tourism
5 Airlines 5.1 The Market 5.2 Key Developments 5.2.1 Deals 5.2.2 Airphil Express rebrands as Pal Express 5.2.3 Airport infrastructure development 5.3 Competitive Landscape 5.4 Canadean View