Philippine Showbiz Today Vol11 No 10 | Page 9

Philippine Showbiz Today May 22 - June 7, 2016 9 Philippine Opera Company on a cultural mission tour of Canada Philippine Opera Company celebrates its 15th year anniver- sary and will set out on a cultural mission tour in the US and Ca- nada in commemoration of the 118th Philippine Independence Day. Philippine Opera Company (POC) is the only local opera com- pany that produces regular pro- ductions as the leading classical music agency for over 12 years and a member of The Philippine Legitimate Stage Artists Group (PHILSTAGE), the country’s only organization of pro performing arts companies. Founded in 1999, it is man- aged by classical performing ar- tists whose thrust is to sustain and develop more audiences for classical music theatre in the Philippines. It is committed to ex- tending opera beyond its elitist pedestal by performing in malls, churches, community centers, parks, and schools, so as to make it more accessible to the public. To celebrate the fusion of mu- sic and drama, to share this pas- sion for opera and help nurture this medium in our country – to this goal the POC is committed to, in developing a new genera- tion of classical singers and au- diences, and to develop our own Filipino style of presenting opera. POC also helps develop opera appreciation among Filipinos by performing outreach programs for schools, government agencies and private corporate organiza- tions throughout the country. Over the years, the Philippine Opera Company also witnessed the sudden uptrend in the aware- ness and appreciation of opera and classical related performanc- es by Filipinos particularly the young, educated segment of so- ciety. This favorable development has led POC to launch its very first annual opera season in the coun- try. After the successful launch- ing of the 2006 Opera Season with Terence McNally’s Tony Award Winning piece “Master Class” with award-winning ac- tress Cherie Gil playing the lead role, “Operanow 2: An Evening of Puccini”, “Opera-lite … the first opera bar tour”, and Mozart’s “Magic Flute”. In 2008, Philippine Opera Company embarked on its full-length opera production of Puccini’s most loved opera, “La Boheme” at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Philippine Opera Company is committed to promote and pre- serve Philippine’s music heritage through its cultural arm, “HA- RANA” which performed in Am- sterdam and garnered 3 standing ovations from the foreign com- munity. Philippine Opera Company received the “Maria Carpena Me- morial Award for the Arts” for POC’s contribution in the promo- tion and appreciation of the tradi- tional Filipino music. This coming June, Philippine Opera Company’s “HARANA” will perform in Canada to showcase the evolution of Philippine music through song, movement and dra- ma. The repertoire is composed of six suites. Each suite is theatri- cally presented with authenticity, originality and visual excitement. The creation of each Harana suite is a product of thorough research with the commitment to preserve indigenous Philippine music and its appropriate dance and folklore. It aims to promote international goodwill through performances at home and abroad.•