Philippine Showbiz Today Vol11 No 10 | Page 25

Philippine Showbiz Today 25
May 22 - June 7 , 2016
1 . Respeto 2 . Bahagyang ngiti 10 . Daluyong 11 . Bahagi ng katawan 12 . Kata 13 . Beer o gin
14 . Pangalas 17 . Saka 19 . Gamid 21 . Bahagi ng puno 22 . Utal 23 . Pinggan 28 . Anunsiyo 30 . Suya 31 . Payak 35 . Katagang pangugnay 36 . Leksiyon 37 . Bansa sa Middle
East 39 . Katre 40 . Uri ng gulay
1 . Pagkain ng sanggol
2 . Gunita 3 . Iksi ng Lolo 4 . Hulapi 5 . Tulad 6 . Iyak ng sanggol 7 . Libo 8 . Katutubo 9 . Uri ng sugal
15 . Huni ng malaking ibon 16 . Kataga 18 . Hepe 20 . Malaking kabayong pangarera 22 . Bihis 24 . Los Angeles 25 . Simbolo ng arsenic

Philippine Showbiz Today 25

26 . Macla 27 . Lugar sa Bataan 29 . Uri ng sasakyan 32 . Marangya 33 . Vietnam , ibang anyo 34 . Pagbating Kastila 37 . Sobrang oras sa trabaho 38 . Tawag sa nanay


TAURUS ( April 21- May 20 ) You ’ re moving through a time when creative ideas and lively opportunities encourage you to leave your comfort zone . With the Sun swinging into your financial sector from Friday , thoughts could turn to how you can make better use of your money . Saturday ’ s Full Moon could see you going on a costly spending spree unless you set a limit for yourself . You ’ ll find that general progress is possible once Mercury enters your sign on Sunday .
GEMINI ( May 21 – June 21 ) With a major focus on the more secluded sectors of your chart , you ’ ve been enjoying a respite . You ’ ll feel reborn once the Sun glides into Gemini on Friday . Now is the time to channel your energies into projects and plans you ’ ve been hatching over recent weeks . And with your ruler Mercury pushing forward from Sunday , you ’ ll be less exposed to unexpected delays and frustrations . Go easy on Saturday , though , as a Full Moon could encourage feelings to be aired a little too honestly .
CANCER ( June 22- July 22 ) You ’ ll continue to enjoy a hectic social scene , with opportunities for romance , fun , and relaxation . Once the Sun jogs into Gemini , on Friday , you ’ ll enter a four-week phase in which you ’ ll benefit from taking time out for yourself . Use the weeks ahead to do a little spiritual housecleaning to release issues and people that no longer serve any purpose in your life - and recharge your batteries , of course .
LEO ( July 23- Aug 22 ) Life continues onward and upward for you , with renewed determination to reach goals , enhance your income , and improve your work situation . However , there ’ s a shift of focus as of Friday , when the Sun dances into your social sector and encourages you to think about your work / life balance . If you haven ’ t had a chance to enjoy yourself lately , now is the time .


perspectives , suggesting you might take one conversation out of context . Be sure you have it right before you respond or comment .
SCORPIO ( Oct 23 – Nov 21 ) With Venus in your sector of relating , certain relationships could be a lot of fun right now , including potential romance - whether you ’ re solo or attached . If you have been looking for a date , you could find that someone you already know proves to be the perfect companion . Things could get more intense as the Sun eases into your sector of transformation and intimacy . Be sure that your head and heart are in agreement before you make any important decisions .
SAGITTARIUS ( Nov 22- Dec 21 ) Although you might find it hard to stir yourself when it comes to diet or exercise routines , you could benefit from making a little bit of an effort . The weekend brings a Full Moon in your sign , which could see you getting quite emotional and perhaps blurting out one or two things that you shouldn ’ t . If you ’ re in a social or intimate situation , think before you speak .
CAPRICORN ( Dec 22- Jan 19 ) The continuing focus on your pleasure sector could hasten the development of a budding romance . Over the coming week or so , you might find yourself making a decision about whether to get a little closer or not . Your lifestyle sector comes into focus from Friday , encouraging you to take stock and consider how you might improve your overall health and life in general .
AQUARIUS ( Jan 20 – Feb 19 ) This can be good time to host your friends and entertain at your place . With Venus currently in your home and family sector , your fabulous cooking skills are bound to impress . But if you indulge too much , you might find yourself putting on a few pounds . Give thought to any promises you make , as you may see things differently in a few days .
VIRGO ( Aug 23 – Sept 22 ) You ’ re getting into your stride now and beginning to feel more adventurous regarding key ideas . Things take a brighter turn later this week as Mercury pushes forward after its retrograde phase . You ’ ll find traveling gets easier , legal issues take a turn for the better , and studying becomes less demanding . There ’ s another shift on Friday as the Sun enters your sector of ambition and career , encouraging you to make valuable connections . Once you do , your plans will begin to fall into place .
LIBRA ( Sept 23- Oct 22 ) There ’ s potential for change showing up in your chart , but you must really want it if you ’ re to embrace it . Whether you traverse inner or outer landscapes , you may be seeking your life ’ s deeper meaning and taking stock of your plans for the future . The Full Moon on Saturday could shift
PISCES ( Feb 20- Mar 20 ) After a great time meeting with friends , closing deals , and networking in new situations , the Sun shifts into your home and family sector . You might want to enjoy some downtime from this point on . It ’ s an opportunity to go out with your closest friends and nurture yourself , too . If you feel like arranging a celebration or lively get-together , this is the time to go for it .
ARIES ( Mar 21- April 20 ) A sensuous blend of energies encourages you to indulge and enjoy life . In general , you ’ ll find that work and career matters begin to look more promising . As of Friday , the Sun in Gemini lights up your sector of communication to make this the perfect time to network , explore new options , and chat with others . However , go easy around the time of the Full Moon on Saturday , as you could say something you ’ ll regret later . •