Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 13 No 8 | Page 4

4 Philippine Showbiz Today April 22 - May 7, 2018 Groups call for repeal of medical inadmissibility rule for immigrants in Canada Organiza- tions representing key groups of im- migrants excluded from Canada due to medical inad- missibility are very disappointed in the announcement on April 16 by Im- migration Minister Ahmed Hussen Ahmed Hussen for not repealing Section 38(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.  This section of the immigra- tion law denies permanent residency to an entire family if a member of the family is sick or has a disability and deemed to pose an “excessive demand” on health and social ser- vices.  The groups said that it’s time to end these discriminatory laws.  “Our advocacy resulted in a re- view by the federal Standing Commit- tee on Citizenship and Immigration in 2017, which ultimately echoed our recommendation for a full repeal. In- stead of taking this principled posi- tion, the Immigration Minister Hus- sen today [April 16] announced only minor tweaks to the existing, and deeply flawed, regime,” the media release states.   The groups are the Caregivers Action Centre, Council of Canadians With Disabilities, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and the Migrant Workers Centre.  “Today’s announcement contin- ues to uphold discriminatory medical inadmissibility laws. Today’s changes that promise to increase the cost threshold and amend the definition of social services, if properly imple- mented, may ensure that many fu- ture immigrants living with HIV and some people with disabilities may no longer be excluded,” according to the media release.  “However, the underlying is- sue remains: people with disabilities continue to be considered as bur- dens on Canadian society. Today’s announcement also fails to address retroactive cases, such that all of the applicants currently in Canada who are separated from family members with disabilities remain in limbo.  “It is important to note that the Parliamentary Standing Commit- tee on Citizenship and Immigration, which recommended the repeal of the law in late 2017, noted that “sav- ings [from this law] are not known and were not provided to the Com- mittee.” The Government of Cana- da, while explicitly agreeing with the Standing Committee’s recommen- dation to repeal this legislation, has failed to bring its policies in line with inclusivity for persons with disabili- ties and with Canada’s domestic and international human rights obliga- tions,” the media release states.● Michael V meets Avengers stars , gave 15-minute portraits Michael V not only had the rare weekend where he will be having one- it involves a certain group called not for naught, too, as Michael V chance to personally meet the stars on-one interviews with the exemplary AVENGERS! … I hope it doesn’t shared yesterday, April 15, a picture of Avengers: Infinity War but he also cast of the upcoming film “Avengers: take me an INFINITY to finish it! of Cumberbatch himself holding up his sketch. “This is exactly how I ‘pic- had the opportunity to give their Infinity War”, as he excitedly shared #AvengersPH #15MinuteSketch.” sketches that he did for them. In another post last Saturday, tured’ I’d end my day…” Michael V his drawings. The GMA-7 actor-TV host re- There’s always a first time for April 14, he shared a video clip of wrote. And just this morning, Michael V cently went to Singapore to interview everything!” Michael V wrote on his him sketching “Nebula”. He wrote, the stars of the Marvel superhero Instagram last Friday, April 13, as he “I’m doing a one-on-one interview shared another clip of him, this time film. shared a 15-minute sketch he made with director Joe Russo, Marvel pro- sketching Robert Downey, Jr. who Perhaps not many may know it, of Benedict Cumberbatch. “I’m go- ducer Trinh Tran, Benedict Cumber- plays the titular role of “Iron Man”. “Good Monday morning! This but Michael V is so much more than ing to Singapore tomorrow to do batch and @karengillanofficial!” just a funny man. Apart from being a a lot of ‘first time’ in my life and His artistic undertakings were is the last #15MinuteSketch that I did for the #AvengersPH Press comedian, an actor, rap- Junket,” wrote Michael V today, per and director, perhaps, April 16. “There’s a red carpet he, too, should also put event this afternoon and I’m the title “visual artist” un- REALLY hoping against hope der his belt. to give this to @robertdowneyjr In the past few days, himself. If all goes well, this will Michael V has been shar- be one of the highlights of #Bi- ing on his Instagram ac- toyStory 008, #TeamPH and count his sketches of my wife’s life. Kulitin si (call “Avengers” stars Benedict the attention of) RDJ! PLEASE Cumberbatch and Karen TAG HIM and wish me luck!” Gillan, who play “Doctor Hoping Michael V in- Strange” and “Nebula” deed gets to meet Robert respectively in the Marvel Downey, Jr. today and that he Cinematic Universe. may hand the star his sketch. It seems Michael V could not wait for his trip Good luck, Bitoy!●  Michael V with Karen Gillan who plays “Nebula”, and right, Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays “Doctor Strange” in the Marvel to Singapore over the Cinematic Universe, holding up Michael V’s 15-minute sketch. Image: Instagram/@michaelbitoy - C. Cepeda/JB, Inq.