Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 13 No 8 | Page 11

Philippine Today Advanced treatment for liver Showbiz disease! April 22 - May 7, 2018 Jan. 22-Feb.7, 2015 11 Health Forum LIVERight Health Forum 肝病講座 Date: th Saturday , 2016 四月九日(星期六) Saturday, April April 9 21st, 2018 Time: 1 PM - 5 PM 下午一時至五時 1 pm – 5 pm Broadway Church, 2700 East Broadway Venue: Broadway Church (2700 East Broadway) 東百老匯街2700號 Chief Organizer Dr. Francis Ho MD Chief Organizer: Forum will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Dr. Francis Ho Cantonese and Mandarin. BC Chapter Board 講座將以英、國、粵語同時進行。 President Clinical Professor Emeritus UBC BC Chapter Board President Liver Disease and Diabetes 統籌 何仲偉醫生 Dr. Francis Ho 卑詩省董事會主席 Clinical Professor Emeritus UBC Liver disease doesn’t show any signs or symptoms until 20-30 years later. If left untreated it can lead to liver failure, cancer or even death! Topics/Speakers: New Curative Therapies for Hepatitis C Future 最新丙型肝炎治療法 of Liver Transplant Dr. Stephen Chung Dr. Edward Tam MD Clinical Hepatologist Medical Director, LAIR Centre Hepatitis C Treatment and Care Dr. Edward Tam Severity of Fatty Liver Liver Transplantation Hep Beware 肝臟移植 Dr. Peter Kwan Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBS) 脂肪肝的嚴重性 Dr. Eric Yoshida Dr. Charles Scudamore MD Dr. Eric Yoshida MD Professor of Medicine UBC Head, Division of Gastroenterology, VGH UBC )*+Y\N)LULÄ[7YVNYHT Jane Xia, Registered Pharmacist Imaging and Advanced Treatme Chronic Pancreatitis Liver Cancer 如何應用放射學於肝癌診治 Dr. Charles Scudamore Associate Professor of Surgery UBC Director, BC Liver Transplant Program Dr. Emily Pang MD Radiologist, Division of Abdominal Radiolog Healthy Eating for Fatty Liver VGH UBC Rosalie Lung, Registered Dietician Also, LIBRENG SCREENING for hepatitis B from 10 am - 1 pm. Arrest the silent killer! Treatment and Mo