Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 13 No 6 | Page 6

6 Philippine Showbiz Today

6 Philippine Showbiz Today

March 22 - April 7 , 2018 Jan . 22-Feb . 7 , 2015

Like Duterte , Trump wants death for drug dealers

U . S . President Donald Trump has called for tough measures to combat the drug menace in his country , including the death penalty against drug dealers .
Trump ’ s stance mirrors in part the hard approach by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte against the drug problem .
In November 2017 , Trump and Duterte met in Manila on the sidelines of the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ).
Terrorism , trade , and illegal drugs were the focus of the meeting between Trump and Duterte .
In May last year , Trump called Duterte by phone and commended him against the war on drugs being waged by the Philippine government .
“ I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem ,” Trump told Duterte . “ Many countries have the problem , we have a problem , but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that .”
Last Monday ( March 19 ), Trump laid out his plan against the opioid epidemic .
The plan includes a push for the death penalty for some drug traffickers .
“ Toughness is the thing that they most fear ,” Trump said .
Trump announced the plan in New Hampshire , a state affected by the opioid problem .
“ This isn ’ t about nice anymore ,” Trump said . “ This is about winning a very , very tough problem and if we don ’ t get very tough on these dealers it ’ s not going to happen folks … I want to win this battle .”
Trump has long spoken approvingly about countries like Singapore that have fewer issues with drugs because of severe penalties .
“ Drug traffickers kill so many thousands of our citizens every year ,” Trump said . “ That ’ s why my Department of Justice will be seeking so many tougher penalties than we ’ ve ever had and we ’ ll be focusing on the penalties that I talked about previously for big pushers , the ones that are killing so many people , and that penalty is going to be the death penalty .”
He added : “ Other countries don ’ t play games . … But the ultimate penalty has to be the death penalty .”
The Justice Department said the federal death penalty is available for limited drug-related offences , including violations of the “ drug kingpin ” provisions in federal law .
Opioids are a class of drugs including prescription painkillers and heroin .
Some 2.4 million Americans are estimated to be addicted to the drugs . The crisis claimed an estimated 63,600 lives nationwide in 2016 , say health officials . ●
US President Trump meets with Philippine President Duterte at the Manila APEC Summit in 2017

Alden Richards turns attention to learning , ‘ fam time ’

Alden Richards will attend yet again a two-day acting workshop under prominent New York-based acting coach Anthony Vincent Bova
Ṫhe actor will be in Newark Symphony Hall in New Jersey , USA on April 7 then on Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto , Canada on April 8 as part of GMA Pinoy TV ’ s “ Sikat Ka , Kapuso !” concert .
He will fly to New York right after the show for what he hopes would be a “ one-on-one session ” with the mentor who conducted a
three-day workshop for Alden and other GMA Artists in Manila August last year . ●
- MB News