Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 12 No 5 | Page 5

March 8 - 21 , 2017
Philippine Showbiz Today
Jan . 22-Feb . 7 , 2015


March 8 , 2017


PM Trudeau talks about equality on Int ’ l Women ’ s Day

“ Today , we join people all over the globe to celebrate the remarkable achievements that women have made everywhere , and reaffirm our commitment to gender equality worldwide .
This year , Canada ’ s theme for International Women ’ s Day is # EqualityMatters , which reminds us that society is better – more prosperous , peaceful , secure , and cohesive – when women ’ s rights are respected , when women are valued and empowered , and when they lead the way .
While we have taken steps toward gender equality , we know that much more work needs to be done . Women around the world continue to receive lower pay and fewer promotions . They are denied legal control over their bodies and reproductive health . They face much higher rates of harassment and verbal , physical , and sexual abuse . In impoverished communities , women are the least likely to have access to healthcare , the last ones to eat , and the most vulnerable to the

Message of New Democrat Leader John Horgan on I . W . D .

“ The theme of this year ’ s International Women ’ s Day is ‘ Be Bold for Change ,’ a theme that is appropriate given the challenges women are facing both here in B . C . and around the world .
Here in B . C . women are still waiting to get paid a decent wage for all the important work they do , and still being denied opportunities because of who they are .
That ’ s one of the reasons why I ’ ve made my # BeBoldForChange commitments to raise the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour and bring in 10 dollar a day childcare .
Most minimum wage earners are women , and they deserve fair pay for a fair day ’ s work . And it ’ s past time to fix the crisis in child care . It ’ s the right thing to do for women , for families and for the economy .
When services are cut , when we don ’ t come together to take care of our children and elderly properly , it ’ s mostly women who take on that extra work .
In addition to struggling to keep up economically , too many women face physical discrimination and sexual violence , especially women who face other barriers to equality , like women of colour , and women who live with disabilities .
Transgender women are too
often targeted for violence , and denied access to housing and other basics of life .
Indigenous women are often the targets of violence not just because of their gender , but because of their First Nations identity .
Violence and discrimination against women isn ’ t separated from other forms of oppression , but magnified by it . If we want to improve the lives of women we must also take action to stop all forms of hatred .
International Women ’ s Day is particularly important this year as women ’ s rights get pushed back by the Donald Trump administration in the United States . These struggles remind us we can never rest in our efforts to fight for a better , more equal society .
We have come far , but we have so much further to go .” ●
hardships brought on by disease .
That is why we will continue to place gender equality and rights , and the empowerment of women and girls , at the heart of our international development work . These efforts received a considerable boost this morning with the announcement that Canada will provide $ 650M in funding to address gaps in sexual and reproductive health and rights in the world ’ s poorest and most vulnerable communities .
Today , I remind Canadians that we all have a role to play in the fight for gender equality , and that we all benefit from a more gender equal world . Women and men , girls and boys , we must all step up and speak out , because half of the population cannot solve a problem that affects us all .
On behalf of the Government of Canada , Sophie and I encourage all Canadians to join us in celebrating International Women ’ s Day , as we renew our commitment to a more positive , just , and equal world .” ●