Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 12 No 20 | Page 10

10 Philippine Showbiz Today October 22 - November 7, 2017 Jan. 22-Feb.7, 2015 Happy Birthday, Ghie! Take Every Wave (G) **** Surf’s Up! Summer’s over. People looking for a diversion from work or school or just a break from day to day living get a chance to vicariously let go. Thrill to the exploits of born adventurer Laird Hamilton in the appropriately titled Take the Last Wave. Set sail down to the International Village Cinemas metals in this Mongrel Media in all its glory. A documentary has a habit of often being boring or exciting. Given the subject matter it’s not hard to see why Take The Last Wave follows into the latter category. Candid comments and open interviews with the man himself and an assortment of friends flush out the tale how a California lad would a code tally stumble into a career at would take the outdoor sports world on one hell of a ride. Early on we see how a kid’s brashness and daredevil attitude would propel him into an unrivalled career on the wave riding circuit. Being white in Hawaii was not easy for a white boy. With a desire to learn, the stomach to turn our cheek when being bullied and a supportive mom and step dad our born boy adventurer would somehow harness all that pent-up frustration, in the process of caring dad, Awesome nature, sky scraping waves and all those good Holly- wood looks helps make Take Every Wave the ultimate joy ride. ● REYFORT Joel Castro Web Designer Jose K. Lirios Contributing Writer New Westminster Philippine Festival Society hosted a birthday party and gender reveal party for Ghie Ministros Candido and Andrew Bailey at Java Jazz Bistro