Philippine Showbiz Today Vol 10 No 23 | Page 14

22-Feb.7, December Jan. 8 - 21, 2015 2015 14 Philippine Showbiz Today Trumbo (PG) ***** Paperback Writer! Brilliant on all counts - And we’re not talking Creed/Rocky - sorry all you boxing fans - is EOne Entertainment’s Trumbo. Biographical treatments can be tricky at the best of times. Thankfully director Jay Roach has the right heavenly alignment of the stars in This faithful account of a sad time In American history. Take in the fun at the Fifth AvenueCinemas and the International Village Cinemas. Born to play the part of Dalton Trumbo was Bryan Cranston. Here a lesson on morality and good conscience takes centre stage as one writer with a different approach gets caught in a whirlwind of political correctness gone astray. Right after World War 2 Mr. Trumbo and some of his colleagues made the public sin of demanding fair treatment for workers in the motion industry. Oh, and they let slip out that they were Communists, Following this sleight slip of the tongue - albeit it in a completely public manner and in the glare of the national media and prying press - the purge was on. Chilling was the treatment that these free speech advocates received as the hate on built up egged on by some do- gooders in Washington. Compelling heavy-weight acting from the likes of Dame Helen Mirren and John Goodman helps raise the bar considerably in This Oscar bound film. Also terrific is Diane Lane as the ultimate stand by your man wife. Truthful, honest and impeccable acting turn Trumbo into a must see movie with lots of heart and soul.• Grace Poe disqualifi ed Continued from Page 6 eso, noon palang ay ginawa na namin when it was absolute- ly in our countrol,” he added. The SET voted 4-3 to junk petitioner Rizalito David’s case against Poe’s fitness to be a senator due to a questioned citi- zenship. Four senators, includ- ing Aquino, voted for Poe while the three other members of the SET—all Supreme Court jus- tices—voted for David’s petition. But the Poe campaign suffered a setback on Tuesday when the Comelec Second Division disqual- ified her over her failure to comply with the Constitutional residency requirement for the presidency. Quimbo, however, said that allegations that LP would be behind the cases against Poe were unfounded. “The Liberal Party coalition will not allow itself to be party to any ac- tivity involving the disqualification of Secretary Mar’s opponents. Any insinuation to the contrary is base- less and malicious,” Quimbo said. Sought for Binay’s com- ment, former Cainta Mayor Mon Ilagan, a spokesman for the Vice President, said there would be no comment on the issue from their camp at this time. “The issue is not about Sen. Grace or foundlings. We should all be bound to follow the law,” said Parañaque City Rep. Gustavo Tambunting of the opposition United Nationalist Alliance, which is fielding Binay as its presidential bet. “The integrity of the Consti- tution should be protected at all costs,” Tambunting added. Poe’s camp on Tuesday said that she would continue cam- paigning for the presidency in 2016 despite the decision of the Commission on Elections (Com- elec) Second Division to cancel her certificate of candidacy. Palace calls for sobriety Malacañang on Wednesday appealed for sobriety and respect for law among all concerned par- ties following a decision of the Commission on Elections’ (Com- elec) Second Division to disqualify Senator Grace Poe from the 2016 presidential race. “We understand that Sena- tor Poe’s legal counsel will pursue and exhaust all remedies avail- able to them, as is their right in this process. We believe that so- briety and respect for the law and its processes are the best way for- ward for all parties concerned,” said presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda.• — NB/JST, GMA News