Philippine Community Herald Online Edition May 2021 | Page 28

By : Hannah Mikah T . Pangilinan


Peace Amid Trials

While many things in this world are inevitable , one of the most familiar is encountering trials . We ’ ve all been there – dropping to our knees , consumed with anxiety and fear when dealing with struggles . And no matter what we do to cope with hardships , it still sometimes isn ’ t enough to pull ourselves out of feelings of hopelessness , anger , and disappointment . Yet , by understanding that peace is a choice , we can navigate better and power through these challenging seasons . The following are a few reminders to keep in mind upon entering a setback in life . Remember the Past Seasons
On the moments when it feels like we will never get through this season , let us recall all the mountains God has helped us scale in the past . More often than not , we fall into hardships and turn to God as a last resort . He then hears our prayers , and in His perfect timing , helps us . Immediately , we thank Him for His goodness . But as soon as we meet another trial , we later forget how God delivered us before . Consequently , we are filled with anxiety , fear , even doubting His character in the process . However , God ’ s faithfulness remains steadfast amid every adversary we encounter Him in . When we take the time to remember His past goodness and all things He has done , it builds our faith and gives us hope that God can do it again . Also , remembering God ’ s faithfulness isn ’ t limited to just our personal experiences . We can also hear His grace in the life of our peers through their testimonies or our Bible heroes . The circumstances may be different , but God remains the same . Maintain a Support System As often as we rely on our strength during challenging times , we must also recognize the value of having a solid support system . It is easy to get trapped in our negative headspace . And to combat that mindset , we especially need to surround ourselves with loved ones to maintain our sanity and peace . Let us not turn a blind eye on the people or community who care about us , inspiring and encouraging us to power through our struggles . Also , where we are , someone we know has been there too . Usually , we tend to think that we ’ re alone in our difficult seasons and no one could understand what we ’ re going through . And ironically , instead of reaching out for help , we end up isolating ourselves as a result . But in reality , there will always be someone out there willing to offer encouragement and support . In life , we cannot do everything on our own . Nurture Hope
For most of us , we only ever indulge in hope when we find ourselves trapped in a situation , praying for a last-second miracle as a result . But hope isn ’ t just a wavering thought that temporarily relieves us when everything falls apart . Instead , experiencing faith transcends into every aspect of our lives . The only way to genuinely nurture it is to focus on beholding our eyes on God rather than trying to be Him .
We can make all these 10-year plans for our lives , but only God ’ s intended purposes for us will prevail in the end . We may not exactly know how or when God works , but rest assured that His wisdom and timing go far beyond our understanding . Also , take heart that God finishes what He starts . His sovereign hand controls every circumstance we encounter to achieve His glory . If God starts a good work in us , He brings it to completion as well ( Philippians 1:6 ). Our trials provide the most

Light by Debbie Wall

Meaning lurks in the background Waiting to be found , Enlightened souls stand by Humming songs barely heard , Weavers of life tie diverse threads Into an integral whole To fill the well of emptiness With more worthy Otherworldly light



valuable life lessons . Hence , let us choose to use these experiences as stepping stones for growth instead of obstacles . And despite the countless hindrances life will unavoid-


A little boy was crying , looking for his mother . A stranger came and ask the little boy , “ where is your mum and can you describe what does she look like ?” which the little boy replied ” My mum has the most beautiful face on earth ” The stranger , in search for a beautiful lady and said to the boy , “ Is this your mum ?” the boy said ‘ No my mum is prettier than her . A few times the stranger tried to bring beautiful ladies and each time the boy said that his mum is prettier . Then a plain looking lady came and said “ There you are I had been looking for you !” The little boy ’ s face brightened with gladness and proudly said to the stranger , “ You see my mum has the most beautiful face on earth ”
Indeed , through the eyes of children their mothers are the most beautiful for them , true to the saying that BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER . A face that only a mother can love is another expression we say about the unconditional love a mother can offer to her children . From the moment of conception , followed by birth and the first taste of milk of a baby from their mother ’ s bosom , There is an immeasurable bonding between a mother and her child .
While the children are growing up they will feel and vision their mothers as a protector , who gives them love and kindness and showers them with lots of hugs and kisses . Thus in their minds without any doubt their mother will be the most wonderful and beautiful person on earth ..
Those sleepless nights , sacrifices made especially for working mums , a mother will endure to nurture and care for their children . A mother is a teacher , disciplinarian , provider , protector , mediator rolled in to one . No job can outdo what mother can do and I believe being a mother is the most noble , challenging , and difficult job , but its all worth it !!!.
Mothers have a big influence in shaping the character of their children . A responsible mother will produce responsible adults because mothers serve as a role model for their children . This is a precious gift all mothers can offer to the society and the wider community . It is fleeting to say just for that special day of every
Ganesha the god of New Beginnings and Remover of Obstacles , Hanuman the god of Strength and Knowledge reigned over monkeys , lizards , squirrels , brolga birds integrating with the vibrations of humankind , all dwelling on ancient , sacred , mystical land upon layers of narratives , old tracks and trails , enfolding stories of Maharajas and Mughals with remnants of palatial dreams shining through the light and shadow of impermanence , their monuments — a window to the crowning glory of conquest , power and opulence trailed by the cycle of disarray , decay and decline , their temples transformed into museums of transition .
Text & Image , Deborah Ruiz Wall
2nd Sunday of May , we should all toast to celebrate and , recognise the significant role of all mothers in the world . However our appreciation for them should always be given at all times ………….. HAPPY MOTHER ’ S DAY TO ALL THE BEAUTIFUL MOTHERS AROUND THE WORLD !!
Excerpt from my book My Passion , My Calling MOTHERS It is in the mother ’ s heart That children can find Assurance of being loved It is in the mother ’ s arms That the children can find Solace and comfort BUT It is in the mother ’ s hugs and kisses That the children can find the real joy Of being loved and most of all Being special and cared for .
ably project , we can still attain peace in our troubles . Through surrendering control and embracing stillness , it is then we will discover the perfect peace only God provides in every situation . Once we shift our minds to Him , we are also empowered to experience His peace , joy , and hope even during the chaos that surrounds us .


By Dr . Freddie Rabelas Obligacion
It seems we cannot escape the pressure to meet deadlines . We are stressed . We rush from point A to point B . Remarks Nanette Mathews :
“ If you ’ re always racing to the next moment , what happens to the one you ’ re in ? Slow down and enjoy the moment you ’ re in and live your life to the fullest .” We multitask and end up confused and bewildered . As Nigel Cumberland observes ; “ The new disease of our age is being OK doing everything at exactly the same time .”
No wonder , we end our day enervated , overwhelmed , and spent . I guess that in the rush to the finish line , we have forgotten the virtue of slowing down . Eddie Cantor suggests : “ Slow down and enjoy life . It ’ s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why .” We cease to appreciate the balm of taking matters one thing at a time . Mokokoma Mokhonoana waxes :
“ Most people ’ s minds are almost always too busy for them to feel their skins being caressed by the wind or the sun .” We lose the child-like attitude of pausing and appreciating the small steps toward To Page 29