April 1 - 15, 2019
PNT columnist Ben Berto joins big batch of new dual citizens
Leah, Elijah ,Eleazar and Elmer Soriano with ConGen Austria
Clara Labarda, Angela Berto, Ben Berto
and ConGen Austria
More than 50 Canadians of
Philippine ancestry re-acquired
their Filipino citizenship on April 4,
2019 in oath-taking ceremonies
Angela Berto and Consul General Maria
held at the Philippine Consulate
Andrelita S. Austria
General in Vancouver.
The group is easily one of, if not the
naturalized citizens of another country
biggest batch to become dual citizens in to reacquire their Philippine citizenship
a single rite in B.C.
by taking an oath of allegiance to
Consul General Maria Andrelita S. the Republic of the Philippines. Upon
Austria officiated the oath taking, taking reacquiring their Philippine citizenship,
note of the impressive size of the group. they shall enjoy full civil and political
One of the new dual Canadian and rights as Filipinos, subject to certain
Filipino citizens is Ben Berto, conditions.
a columnist with Philippine
The law was passed by Congress
Asian News Today (PNT) and principally as a means to open up the
husband of Angela, the oldest Philippine economy to former Filipinos
sister of PNT publisher Rey who are willing to contribute to its growth
and development.
They became dual citizens
Dual citizens have the right to be
under Republic Act 9225 or issued a Philippine passport. They
the Citizenship Retention and can also register and vote in Philippine
Reacquisition Act of 2003, elections. Their rights likewise include
more popularly known as the being appointed or elected to public
Dual Citizenship Law.
office, under certain conditions.
The law enables natural-born
Filipinos who have become
ConGen Austria