Philippine Asian News Today Vol 21 No 01 | Page 26

26 PHILIPPINE ASIAN NEWS TODAY January 1 - 20, 2019 By Alan Samuel Stan & Ollie. (PG) * * Dynamic Duo! Popular pairings are not just common for food offerings or other daily occurrences. Once in a while the world of entertainment scores well when it comes to unique partnerships that find far-flung friendships with audiences. Together dynamic duos on the silver screen and on stage have included the likes of Martin and Lewis, Abbot and Costello, Tracy and Hepburn, Bogie and Bacall, The Captain and Tenille, Hall and Oates, Those Dooby and Righteous Brothers and the triple play threats of Hope, Crosby and Lamour plus the Brothers Gibb. So just to scratch the list seems endless. To this respected community one must add Oliver and Hardy, the subject of a unique offering from EOne Entertainment called, not surprisingly, Stan & Ollie. Just offered at limited theatres such as The International Village Cinemas this rather small film focuses on a unique period in the men’s lives. Thrust into the spotlight in the early 30s American comics Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy proves to be a winning combination for film audiences around the world. Impeccable casting sees Britain’s man of all voices Steve Coogan (A Night at the Museum) and amusing American John C. Reilly (Step Brothers) connect with viewers as a team with perfect timing yet showing strains in Steve Coogan as Stan Laurel and John C. Reilly as Oliver Hardy in STAN & OLLIE, an Entertainment One their unique partnership. Despite the on-screen release. persona Stan & Ollie shows the rather tumultuous around Great Britain. one last comeback/hurrah in England. Fun routines nature of this pair as business decisions and Yes, there definitely is a good bond between will make you laugh and. Chuckle to yourselves personality conflicts rose to the fore and became Coogan and Reilly. What Stan & Ollie does so well but the growing pains of a strained relationship will more prominent during an overseas trip. Hopes to is look at the day to day lives of two actors eking out forever color your views of two giants In the comedy resuscitate a now subsiding career proved to be a living in bustling Los Angeles before hoping for world - second to none. a long shot as the two did the vaudevillian circuit The Upside (PG) **** Guardian Angel? Give it up to STX Films. Hollywood’s newest studio must be blessed by the angels with their latest delivery - The Upside. Perfect timing sees this well-intentioned drama comedy hit The International Village Theatre and other local British Columbian Cineplex movie Theatres. Touching on a host of social issues in many meaningful ways at the core of The Upside is the special relationship between two diametrically opposed individuals. Contrast the different paths in life Phillip and Dell have taken. Hard luck seems to have followed Dell almost every step of the way while life has been materialistically better for Phillip though personal and health issues have taken their toll on him. Bryan Cranston does a wonderful acting tour de force as Phillip who is confined to a wheelchair. In need of support staff somehow Dell, the man with street starts but with loads of excess baggage, gets the gig. Man in the news Kevin Hart simply shines as the wayward out to lunch care aid who somehow manages to create a solid bond with the ultra rich Phillip. For this to work you have to buy into the relationship between Dell and Phillip. Thanks to the outstanding chemistry between Hart and Cranston you fully appreciate the growth in this bond and it truly turns out to be a source of inspiration we can all take a lot away from. For two hours this feel good movie keeps you intrigued and amused. Said to be based on a true story this American version of a French classic is well presented by Director Neil Burger (The Illusionist) and also benefits from the added presence of Nicole Kidman in a pivotal role. TEST NO. 4: ART & CULTURE 1. Who solved her first case in The Secret of the Old Clock? a. Nancy Drew b. Jane Marple 2. Valentine’s Day is banned in Saudi Arabia. a. True b. False 3. For trying to record everything ever known, what ‘last scholar of the ancient world’ was declared in 1997 by Pope John Paul II as patron saint of the Internet? a. Augustine of Hippo b. Isidore of Seville c. Terullian of Carthage d. Ambrose of Milan 4. What did the ancient Incas call ‘tears of the sun’? a. Corn Cobs b. Solar Flares c. Gold nuggets d. Cocoa beans 5. What Shakespearean character said, ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep’? a. Henry V b. Portia c. Hamlet d. Prospero 6. What diptych painting by American artist Roy Lichtenstein depicts a fighter aircraft on the left panel firing a rocket into an enemy plane on the right panel? What ‘FSM’ is worshipped as creator of the universe in 7. Pastafarianism, a ‘religion’ that opposes the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public schools? Gerald and Charles are the first names of the founders of what 8. publishing company that releases over 100 novels a month? Almost 2,000 years after it was built, what European landmark 9. still boasts of the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world? In 1980, what became the sixth and latest official language of 10. the United Nations? WWW.PHILIPPINEASIANNEWSTODAY.COM ANSWERS NEXT PAGE