Philippine Asian News Today Vol 19 no .14 | Página 7
July 16 - 31, 2017
Rey Fortaleza - Publisher
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Rosette Correa - Senior Editor
Jun Cordero - Associate Editor
Writers - Crisanta Sampang ; Columnists - Geoff Meggs, Ben Berto, Editha Corrales, Mon
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When Everyone Knew What “Walang Modo!” Meant
By Rosette Correa
generation, too,
My father was not a typical
it was necessary
Filipino father during the to respect everyone by telling the
time when their generation of truth, no matter how badly the
parenting meant beating from other may receive the message.
a stick. He was, so to say, a Sin modo became “walang
really “chill” guy, but his wisdom modo” when we grew up, as my
spoke volumes, and without the Dad also grew tired of the mess
use of physical punishment, was people make of themselves.
able to raise with my mother
So, when I see people drive
five children who all became viciously on the streets, cut in
professionals and excelled in line, bump you and not say,
their field of choice.
“Sorry!”, use their phones while
Being a Chavacano from talking to you or when at the
Cavite City, his words of wisdom dinner table, keeping their hat or
came from the Spanish tongue. cap on while having a meal, (or
When angered, shouts of keeping their hat or cap on when
“Sinverguenza!” translated as inside someone’s house or in a
shameless or naughty, would fill building) or not hold the door for
the air.
you, I think of my Dad and how
One of his favourite he would say, “Walang modo!”
expression was “sin modo” I know right now, he must be
which roughly translates as “no saying it every second.
way”, and it was his way of saying
On a plane ride back from
a person had no upbringing. California on board American
Generations ago, how one Airlines, my family and I were
behaved and presented himself seated in the last seats of the
in public was a gesture of respect plane next to the galley. As the
not only for oneself, but for other plane prepared to take off, two
people as well. Gone are the days flight attendants took their
when folks actually got dressed seats in the galley and started
to ride public transportation, conversing loudly about personal
most especially the airplane. My matters. When the other FA
parents grew up in a generation spoke into the PA system, I
where it was actually impolite politely asked the female FA in
to not be properly dressed for the galley to lessen the volume
occasions, and most especially of their conversation so that i
continues to spiral
down the proverbial
drain because people
think that they are
experts in everything,
and that the real
experts’ opinions don’t
really matter. Social
media has made things
worse because it has
backed these fights
up, and now everyone
has a chance to make
a point, even if it is
wrong and immoral.
Gone are the days
when truth mattered,
and not everyone got a
gold medal for effort.
The more society
allows these things
more people start
other. No wonder
we have people who
are mean to others,
and we continue to
have armed conflict.
We even elected two
presidents who, in
my Dad’s words, are
“walang modo”. There
is less respect for each other
now compared to 60 years ago.
Man is regressing, but thinks he
is progressing. Technology and
social media tells everyone this
humongous lie that we are better
off today than past generations. I
am sure that the elderly who lived
in a time that truth mattered beg
to disagree. Their generation fully
understood what “walang modo”
meant, and this generation has
completely missed the point.
The Angelos and an Anti-Drug
Youth Program
By Deedee Siytangco
Reprinted from Manila Bulletin
Angel Thoughts
“Educating the mind
without educating the heart
is no education at all.”—
Food for thought for those
who don’t think seriously
about climate change…a
trillion-ton ice cap broke off
in Antarctica this week. Think
how they will elevate ocean
levels all over the world and
affect global warming!
* * *
Legarda has renewed her
call to heighten disaster
preparedness, especially in
can hear the announcement,
she snaps back at me, saying
“Whatever she is saying, you can
read on the card right in front
of you. I’m not stopping this
conversation with my my friend
just because you can’t hear the
announcement!” I asked her why
she was being rude to me, and
she started talking more loudly,
making me appear as hostile,
and so I told her that she was very
rude, and that the company will
know of her treatment of me. She
couldn’t care less and continued
talking loudly. I, in turn, wrote
to American Airlines and got a
pathetic letter of apology and
nothing else. “Walang modo!”
my Dad would say.
We now live in an age
when no one cares what other
people think, and for me, that’s
regression. I know people will
say that we should live our lives
we deem it necessary, but we
have to take into consideration
that respecting other people is
necessary in respecting oneself.
When one only thinks of himself,
then it means that he doesn’t
care about the rest of the world,
and that is a tragedy.
Today, people fight for things
that are important to them, but
they don’t realize that the things
they fight for may only benefit
them, or a few of their peers, but
not the rest of the world. Morality
l o c a l
Legarda, UNISDR Global
Champion for Resilience, said
that proactive strategies and
the involvement of citizens are
needed in strengthening the
country’s defenses against
natural hazards and climate
“Most natural hazards
turn into disasters because
of the lack of preparedness.
Disaster prevention starts
long before a typhoon makes
landfall, before an earthquake
happens, or before a volcano
erupts. Early warning and early
action should be at the very
heart of our efforts. Everyone
should understand the risks
we face and equip ourselves
with preventive measures to
lessen the impact of natural
hazards,” she added that
local government officials
should lead the community in
Community preparations
for disaster should include
regular pruning of trees,
dredging of canals and
esteros, and the practice of
segregating garbage, among
many others, and putting up
warning systems and telling
as typhoons are expected,
volunteers can do mobile
patrolling and use sirens to
immediately alert people
either to stay indoors or
get ready to move to safer
places. The regular conduct
of earthquake and safety drills
is also important, especially at
schools and hospitals.
Citizens should help
restore coastal mangrove
forests and continuous tree-
growing activities, which are
simple yet effective defenses
against several types of
July is National Disaster
The theme for this year’s
observance is, “Kamalayan
sa Kahandaan, Katumbas ay
* * * *
It was with lots of
excitement and pride that the
popular classical-pop group,
The Angelos collaborated
with Dr. Eric Tayag, assistant
secretary of the Department
promoting #Drugsnomore
#Healthpamore, a musical
initiative to promote the
prevention of the use of illegal
drugs among the Filipino
youth, with “empowering
health first” as its mission.
Dr. Eric Tayag together
with The Angelos will launch
three renditions of the original
theme song composition
by Jai Aisa from Las Vegas,
Nevada, with choreography
sometime next month. Tayag,
of course, is well known for his
unique and eye-catching way