Philippine Asian News Today Vol 19 No 11 | Page 24

Wisdom from the Word
Ben Berto

This we believe absolutely — Baptism by immersion

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death , that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father , even so we also should walk in newness of life .
- Romans 6 : 4 NKJV
... buried with Him in baptism , in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God , who raised Him from the dead . - Colossians 2:12 NKJV
During the slavery days down south , a discussion took place between a Christian slave and his master about baptism . The slave maintained that baptism meant that a person being baptized is immersed in the water while his master said that that sprinkling is the right way . This went on for quite a long time and neither backed off from their stated position , until one day , the master ’ s horse died . The master told the slave to bury the horse so he went . Taking the master ’ s position that baptism is sprinkling only , the slave sprinkled dust over the horse and went his way . A week later , the master called the slave . “ Didn ’ t I tell you to bury the horse ?” “ Yes , suh , I did ,” replied the slave . “ Then what is that stinking smell ?”
said the master . “ Well , suh , you told me that baptism is sprinkling , so I did bury the horse by sprinkling the dust over it ,, suh .” The master got the point but the slave had to do the hard work of burying a dead horse .
We continue the Statement
of Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church regarding baptism , part one .
“ Baptism , as Christians know it today , comes to us from John the Baptist , who was sent by God to prepare the way for the Saviour . “ John came baptizing in the desert region
and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins . The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him . Confessing their sins they were baptized by him in the Jordan River ”.( Mark 1 : 4 , 5 . )
There were antecedents to baptism in the Old Testament , with which John the Baptist was surely familiar ; ritual washings and purifications and of course , the story of Naaman the leper . However , John taught a spiritual purification that went beyond the mere physical washing of the
body . He called on people to make their baptism a sign that they recognized their sins and had repented of them . He made baptism an impressive event in people ’ s lives which they could not enter into light . John ’ s call to baptism required a definite change in people ’ s lives , thus preparing them for the coming of Jesus .
Why was Jesus baptized
When Jesus went down to the Jordan River and asked John to baptized Him ( Matthew 3 : 13-15 ), He placed His stamp of approval on John ’ s mission and at the same time signalled the beginning of His own mission to save human beings from sin . While He did not need to be cleansed as others did , by being baptized Himself , Jesus showed that He understood the feelings of sinfulness and unworthiness that are so common to our human experience . By His baptism , He identified Himself with sinners , in their need of a righteousness from God , and He left an example for those who would become Christians . The repentant sinner can identify himself with Jesus as he undergoes this rite . By His sinless life and His death for sinful human beings , Jesus made
His righteousness available to everyone . As the believer passes symbolically through death to sin , burial in the baptismal water , and resurrection to a new life in Jesus , he shows his acceptance of that righteousness . For the true Christian , baptism is a public of his faith in God and his acceptance of Jesus as his personal Saviour . ( Acts16 : 30-33 , Romans 10 : 9 ) ( To be continued )
For prayer , questions and Bible study , call Ben at 604-581-1278 , Junjun at 778-927-8040 , and Stanley at 604-700-3053 . You are invited to worship with us every Sabbath ( Saturday ) at the Abundant Life Community Seventhday Adventist Church at 13062-104 Avenue , Surrey . Welcome .
Our new shepherd , Pastor Leomar Macaraig also takes care of the Vancouver Filipino and Burnaby FilCan SDA churches . His phone number is ; 604- 928-3579 . Every Friday , we have a Bible Study with the Pastor . Everybody is welcome to attend , whether you are a Seventh-day Adventist or not . The Word of God is for everyone . Our address is 9495- 132 Street , Surrey . ●


Fr . Jerry M . Orbos , SVD
The story is told about an English teacher who asked her students : “ If ‘ can ’ t ’ is the shortcut for ‘ cannot ,’ and if ‘ wouldn ’ t ’ is the shortcut for ‘ would not ,’ then ‘ don ’ t ’ is the shortcut for … ?” And the whole class shouted : “ Donut , Ma ’ am !”
Today is Most Blessed Trinity Sunday . In today ’ s Gospel ( John 3 : 16-18 ), we hear how God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son . Take note that He did not only love the world but so loved the world ! There is no shortcut in God ’ s love . He loves us the long way , all the way , and by every way .
The Trinitarian love is the model of all true love . True love takes time , and loves all the time . True love is patient , consistent and persevering . True love takes no shortcuts , and does not shortchange either . We all have much to learn about true love ways . Let us not stop learning and let us never say “ Enough !” when it comes to love .
Last week , I traveled halfway around the world to be with the family of our
100-year-old Uncle Ben Muñoz , who left home to join our Creator last May 14 . What a loving person he was . His love for God was so evident in all his words and ways . He raised such a God-centered family , down to his grandchildren . From the stories I heard , and from my own personal encounters with him in the past , he was steadfast in his earthly mission and so focused in his desire to go to heaven . His earthly journey was filled with challenges and difficulties , but he did not take shortcuts . He walked the long road , and he walked his talk .
Let us pray for our country , especially tomorrow , Independence Day . Let us pray for peace . There are no shortcuts on the road to true peace . Violence and killings in the long run will not lead to true peace . Violence will lead to more violence , and the killing never ends . The whole movement of the Trinitarian

No shortcuts

love is about giving life , not taking away life .
Take note that what is happening in our country and in the world today is all about the battle between good and evil . There is spiritual warfare going on , and it matters whose side you are
on . Let us be constant and vigilant in our fight against evil . Let us not be intimidated or scared . Evil may triumph for a while , but we believe that in the end , goodness will prevail . Let us continue to listen to the
voice of God in a world that is so full of mixed signals , half-truths , threats and lies .
Sharing with you some thoughts I had on seeing so many people in a busy airport : So many people , different features ; so many colors , from different shores . Where are they going , what are they seeking ? What keeps them moving , what are their dreams ? I dream of a world that is free , that stops for you and for me ; I dream of a world that ’ s at peace , not cold and indifferent like this . What are they saying , is anyone listening ? what is the matter , why do we quarrel ? Why are we fighting , aren ’ t we all the same ?
“ Some people enter your life as a blessing , and others as lessons ” ( St . Teresa of Calcutta ). As we journey on , we encounter all kinds of people who are either blessings or lessons to us . Whatever they are , the point is that we go on , and we grow on . And this can truly happen through spirituality , an ongoing relationship with God , without which we are like ships without an anchor , easily tossed around by the wind . Be anchored , be rooted in The Trinity , and everything will fall into place come what may .
God loves us sooo much . How much are we loving Him in return ? A real relationship with God begins when we realize how much He has blessed , forgiven , and provided for us . But it really blooms and bears fruit when , out of gratitude , we , too , love Him in return . Payback time ! We can ’ t continue to be at the receiving end all the time . We , too , must somehow give back and repay the goodness of the Lord , so that when we come face to face with Him , we can say to Him : “ Lord , I know that I am a sinner , but You know that I really tried to love You , too , in my lifetime .”
A moment with the Lord :
Lord , remind us that there are no instants and no shortcuts in true love . Amen . ●