Philanthropy Impact Magazine 2023 | Page 3



Welcome to the latest edition of our Impact Magazine which highlights just some of the activities that have been possible in our University community through the amazing generosity of friends and alumni of Keele .
The range of projects is inspiring and there is no doubt that the lives and successes of our students have been greatly enhanced by the contributions that you have made .
An important theme this year has been supporting students through the difficult economic situation we all find ourselves in . In some cases , this has been through direct help with student living essentials , but we are also keen to remember that , during times of difficulty , it is important to maintain a healthy level of social interaction through sports and other societies on campus , so the enhancement of these activities is also critical .
We continue to develop our beautiful campus and we are in the process of identifying how the campus may need to change over the next decade to facilitate changing education and research portfolios whilst accommodating the changing needs of our staff and students . Our plans will emerge in 2024 and we look forward to updating you on these exciting developments .
At our heart we remain a university that is committed to academic excellence within a supportive community . The higher education sector is changing , and we must keep Keele as an innovative beacon that leads the way for contemporary education that delivers a genuine societal impact . We are successfully growing our student numbers to compensate for the limiting funding regime and if we can deliver on our plans , or rather , when we deliver on our plans , Keele will be stronger and better . We want you to be proud of Keele and we are extremely grateful for your contributions to help us achieve this .
Yours sincerely
Professor Trevor McMillan OBE

Phil Davies Fund

Alumnus Prof Phil Davies ( American Studies & Sociology and Social Anthropology , Class of 1971 ) has long loved the Keele campus and has watched its development over the decades . He was inspired to set up the Phil Davies Fund in support of Keele ’ s beautiful campus environment and , in particular , the Arboretum and National Collection of Flowering Cherries .
Funding has gone towards projects such as : the planting of maple trees around Union Square ; developing and maintaining the Memorial Garden ; purchasing new and unusual specimens for the cherry collection ; supplying picnic benches for the Memorial Garden for students , staff and visitors to utilise ; and purchasing equipment and tags to ensure our arboretum records are maintained .
Of his continued interest in supporting the Fund , Phil says : “ Keele ’ s beautiful campus provides spaces to think , meditate and create ; corners to share with friends , or to be alone . I hope it continues to offer to the Keele community the serenity that I feel whenever I am there .”
Prof Phil Davies