Philanthropy Impact Magazine 2023 | Page 15

The new response car will be ready for use in early 2024 .
Upgrading Keele Community First Responders ’ response car
Keele University is one of a handful of universities that has a dedicated community response team based on campus . The Keele Community First Responders respond to emergency calls on behalf of West Midlands Ambulance Service . Since 2015 , the team have volunteered over 13,000 ‘ on call ’ hours and attended over 2,600 incidents within Keele campus , the village of Keele and the surrounding local areas .
All responders are volunteers , mostly students and staff ( including paramedic students ), and these volunteers use the scheme response car to reach patients following 999 calls , and when delivering basic life support awareness sessions in the local area – making a reliable response car critical to activities . The scheme required a newer car to ensure their vital work can continue into the future , and so this was part-funded through the generosity of our Key Fund donors .
“ Without the generosity of the Keele Key Fund donors we certainly would have faced great difficulty in securing the necessary funds to complete the project . Both the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have significantly impacted charity fundraising , so we are extremely grateful for the funds awarded through the Keele Key Fund . Our new scheme response car is almost operationally ready for use and with it we hope to continue to support our local communities of Keele University , Keele and nearby areas for many years to come .”
Richard Lawton , Scheme Co-ordinator
The PGR Café Retreat
Postgraduate Research ( PGR ) students often have other professional and personal responsibilities beyond their research . They are also increasingly working from home , often in imperfect study environments , and this can limit opportunities for collaboration and exacerbate feelings of isolation .
The PGR Café Retreat supported 20 PGR students from across the University by providing them with dedicated time and space to work on their doctoral projects . It included three days ’ catered accommodation at YHA Castleton Losehill Hall , and combined independent writing and reading retreat sessions with communitybuilding activities including shared meals , board game and crafting evenings , short walks in the local area , and a visit and guided tour of Chatsworth House and Gardens . The project also supported the professional development of two researcher developers , both of whom were Postgraduate Research students .
Feedback from the Retreat has been unanimous in praising the atmosphere of collegiality and the opportunities for productivity . Anonymous comments include :
“ The social components - free time / organised yet relaxed group activities - allowed for socialisation with fellow PGRs . It allowed for natural breaks , which in turn provided the time and space for me to reset my energy levels for continuing working and discussing my progress with others , making me more efficient . Sharing in this process was incredibly beneficial and engaging .”
“ This writing retreat was absolutely incredible . It was a safe space that enabled me to work confidently and efficiently , as well as providing a stimulating environment for me to meet and connect with other PGR students .”
“ Was super , really enjoyed !! - Having dedicated time to write - I achieved the drafting of a whole chapter - so I was VERY pleased about that !!”
“ I enjoyed stepping away from near home / work and driving further away to help me write . I loved how flexible the retreat was , and how there were options for more structure for those who needed a little more push to work .”
Retreat leaders , Sophia Hayat Taha , Niall Hammond , and Amy Louise Blaney , summarised the project by saying :
“ The project demonstrated the University ’ s commitment to fostering a healthy and supportive environment for PGRs by recognising these barriers and enhancing the existing support offered . Sophia , Niall , and I very much hope that this Retreat has provided a successful case study that will enable the Keele Doctoral Academy to make a case for funding an annual retreat for PGRs going forwards and we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to the generous donors whose support of the Keele Key Fund made this trip possible .”