Phi Iota Alpha - National Convention Sponsorship Package 87th National Convention | Page 3

Our History

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity Inc. is the Oldest Latino Fraternity in existence

The history of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is the history of all Latino college students and professionals who strive to keep their intellectual heritage alive. Since its inception, when the legendary “Union Hispano Americana” (UHA) was first organized in 1898, the fraternity has upheld its inspirational and unique ideological foundation of Pan-Americanism.

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La Unión De La Patria Latino Americana

Membership in Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is a life-long commitment to the Latin American culture. It involves intellectual development, cultural consciousness, personal growth, personal achievement and social awareness.

• Promotion of personal, community, and Pan-American development through the ideals

of Bolivar and Marti as well as other Pan-American intellectuals and their philosophies;

• Creation of a Latin American consciousness;

• Intensification of education with a Latin American character;

• Economic and social mobilization of Latin American communities globally;

• Intensification of contact between Pan-American Countries with the intention of

forming a unified network of professional and economic contacts in order to ultimately

achieve the unification of Latin America;

• Conservation of the integrity of the Latin American character.

• Rejection of war and violence as a means to achieving “La Unión De La Patria Latino


Our Vision

Our Beliefs

Our Mission

This year commemorates our 85th Anniversary and we will honor all our pilliars

Simón Bolívar

José Martí

José de San Martín

Benito Juárez

Bernardo O'Higgins