Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 6 | Page 2

Letter from the Editor

Greetings and merry meet everyone! Welcome to another issue of Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine. To begin I would like to announce that the Official Phenomena Encountered Website will be made public in the next coming weeks. The website will be a one stop location for our listeners and fans to keep up to date on every live broadcast of Phenomena Encountered and Box Talk with Moonie and Dee. Also, all meeting and greetings, live public investigation ns, and Paracons will be posted in the Event Calendar. Speaking of Paracon our good friend Chuck Banks will be speaking at the Kansas City Paracon August 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Go to for more information.

I should like to say thank you to everyone who has supported the magazine. I shall be taking a break with making the magazine until October. I have several things in life that are in need of attention and I am stretched a bit thin at the moment. I feel that October is an appropriate time to return from a break with high energy and gusto. I shall continue to maintain the website when it is made public and write blog posts for Paranormal Warehouse and Phenomena Encountered. So, I will not be gone entirely.

I should like to say thank you to everyone who has supported the magazine. I shall be taking a break with making the magazine until October. I have several things in life that are in need of attention and I am stretched a bit thin at the moment. I feel that October is an appropriate time to return from a break with high energy and gusto. I shall continue to maintain the website when it is made public and write blog posts for Paranormal Warehouse and Phenomena Encountered. So, I will not be gone entirely.

To Mr. Gilford whom has left this world for the next. May his journey into the afterlife continue to be peaceful and enlightening. His son Raymond shares his experience with helping his father crossover when his time had come. This issue of Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine is dedication to him.