Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 5 | Page 2

Letter from the Editor

It is amazing and terrifying that 2018 is already half way over with. Days, months, and years seem to go by so quickly. I'm really not sure way. Since that I the case I do my utmost to make the most of each day. To find time to spend with family and friends. To do something that makes me happy, give a little more kindness into the world, and be productive. I encourage all of our wonderful readers and fans to do the same. Life really is short and precious. Embrace and be grateful for the life you have now as no one is truly guaranteed a tomorrow.

Dan Klaes and his team are working tirelessly everyday with VIDI episodes, public investigations, and specials guests such as Nick Groff and Dustin Perri. Dan's show on VIDI Within These Walls is now available to be watched on Amazon Fire TV. Saturday's at 11PM EST.

Click the image of Dee and Moonie to watch an unseen episode of The Box Talk Chronicles. The Box Talk Chronicles starring Chris Moon and Dee Garcia is now avaiable to view on VIDI. Follow @MoonDeeinc on Twitter to keep up to date on the latest episodes.

I am so proud of everyone in the Phenomena Encountered famiy and all of our friends and affiates that work thanklessly daily to discover the truth about the unseen world around us. For us 2018 has been an unbelievable year and I know this is just the beginning. Than you to everyone for your continued support and encouragement. Be Phenomenal everyone!