Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 5 | Page 10

In my early childhood, I often traveled from state to state on the East coast. My parents would navigate and I would sleep in the back seat. One evening, we pulled up into a gas station; nothing out of the ordinary. When my parents got out of the car to buy gas I stayed in the backseat. As I was laying there I was looking out of the window, the only thing I could really see was the tall pine trees and the roof top of the gas station. As I laid there waiting for us to come back and get back on the road, I saw a woman wear a long dress appear to be hovering slightly above the gas station roof. I looked at her intently and was not sure what I was seeing. I don’t remember being scared; I believe I was more curious than anything. She was lovely really, her pale white and luminescent; donning a long white dress that swayed back and forth around her feet without the presence of wind. She had no expression her face, though I was rather taken aback when I realized that she did not have eyes. Where her eyes should have been were black voids. As I laid there watching her I became startled when my mother opened the car door. I immediately proclaimed to my mom, “Mom, there is a lady up there.” She and I looked back to the roof top and naturally she was gone. At the time I didn’t know what to make of what I saw. I was young and I also didn’t realize that this was only the beginning of my encounters with her.

From that moment at the gas station on I would see her watching me from a distance: in the middle of a crowd, on the side of a road, and outside my window. I never felt scared or threatened by her; I felt that she was simply watching over me. As I got older I realized that she appeared to me when there was to be a big change in my life around the corner. It was a signs that a sign for me to brace myself for a big event. She never spoke to me or made an attempt to get very close.

However, once I did see her in a dream. I was in a small, wooden house in the middle of a field. I walked over to a window and there she was standing outside, in the field. For the first time ever, she called out to me. I heard her say softly, “I have a message for you.” Even in my dreams I was not yet ready to truly face her, even in my dreams. In my dream I ran away from the window and jumped into a bed. I tossed a blanket over my head. That was the first and last time she tried to speak to me; over the years though she did continue to show herself to me.

The evening before I was due to leave Michigan to move back to Florida , I woke up at 3:30AM. I laid there staring at my clock when I felt a sudden cold chill come over my body. The weight of a person sat at the end of the air mattress I was sleeping on. I did not turn around to face the person that was sitting on my bed. I knew in my mind’s eye that it was her. I watched the minutes tick by before I felt the weight life off my air bed. When I moved back to Florida, she stayed with me. I would see her stand by car, outside my window, and walking down a road. One day I was driving down the road and there she was; standing by a stop sign, so clear, and in broad day light. A few days later boyfriend (now husband) asked me to marry him. I have not seen her since that day. It makes me sad sometimes. Its like a life long friend disappears. There are times that I wish to see her again. It has been about 8 years since I have seen her and I do feel that there is still a chance I will see her.

A Lifelong Haunting