Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 1 | Page 16

Featured Research Group:

UFO Research Queensland

When the average person hears the term "Paranormal Research" they more often than not think about the ghost investigation shows on television. Movies such as Paranormal Activity have encouraged the pigeon holding the idea that Ghost Hunting is just another name for Paranormal Research. As a result UFO Research and Cryptozoology are often over looked. Recently I found the UFO Research Queensland YouTube channel while doing some reading up on UFO research since that area of study I am rather weak on. The first video I watched that was created by this group is Ancient Astronauts: The evidence. Hiding in plain sight. This video like their several other is shares evidence and information in a clear and articulate manner. The narrator of this particular video is Lee Paqui does an excellent job in presenting the well thought out research. This group in sincere in their work and are in this field for the right reasons. To discover the truth that we are not alone in this vast universe. In some ways UFO research may very well be the most dangerous field in the Paranormal Research world. This area of research is full of government cover ups and conspiracy theories. One has to wonder what can happen to a group that learns way to much. By that time it is to late and there is no going back.