Studying magick and learning to be open to a great amount of energy is not always crystals and fairy dust. It takes time and dedication; not only that it can be physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. I have experienced this drained feeling throughout my time of practicing and studying magick. However, once I felt all of these symptoms at the same time. Since I was nineteen years old I have dreamed about becoming a Reiki Master. I’ve been fascinated with this Universal Energy that has the power to heal a person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I wanted to become attuned to this energy and use it to help people as much as I could. Reiki is translated to mean “Universal Life Energy.” The definition of Reiki is: “a healing technique based of the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
It wasn’t until recent years that I was able to take Reiki classes at Mystikal Scents in Thonotsassa, Florida. While I was on my way to my Reiki Level 1 classes I was excited because not only was a dream of mine that I had for year was coming true; I was also thinking about the grand spiritual experience I was going to have. The first part of the class was our Master teaching us the history of Reiki and the first set of symbols we were to become attuned to. He explained to the class that the reason why Reiki is given in three levels is because each level we are attuned to more and more of the Reiki Energy. Once we reach the Master Level we are not only able to teach and attune others but are fully open to Reiki in its entirety. He further explained that it could be overwhelming to our bodies to be open suddenly to such energy.
After the lecture portion of the class the Master took us to a separate room individually to attune each of us to the Reiki energy. Those whom went before me shared the beautiful visions and lights they saw while being open to Reiki. I was on edge anticipating my turn and wondering what wonderful things I was about to experience. When my turn can up and I sat before this Reiki Master, he went right to work using symbols and breath connecting me with the Universal Life Energy. Instead of lovely lights or beautiful visions I received a throbbing headache and an upset stomach. I did stay focused on completing my attunement. I thought that my headache and nausea would go away when my attunement was completed. It only got worse with time. After my attunement was done I went back out to the waiting room and sat quietly while everyone was attuned. After everyone was connected Reiki we regrouped and was taught techniques on channeling Reiki into a person’s body. My nausea continued on even while I was practicing healing techniques.
Finally, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I ran to the bathroom and got sick. After I cleaned up my mess I went into an unused room in Mystikal Scents and laid on the floor with the lights off. I’m not sure how long I was laying on the floor but another person from my class walked around the corner and saw me on the floor. When she asked if I was OK I sat up quickly and pronounced myself to be “OK” I returned to the class and finished it. I wanted this for to long to go home early. The Reiki Master was surprised at my condition as he has not seen someone have a reaction like I did. He noted that I must have been sensitive to the energy; that my sick feelings were my body trying to adjust to Reiki. When I got home I ate and went to bed at 7:00PM. I woke up the next day feeling like I was walking on air. I felt awesome. A few months later the same Reiki Master was having the Reiki Level 2 class. When I walked into the door he said he didn’t think he would see me again. The moral of this story is that the unbeaten spiritual path is not always easy or comfortable but it is very much so worth it. Blessed Be.