PharmaPoint Rheumatoid Arthritis - Drug Forecast and Market PharmaPoint Rheumatoid Arthritis - Drug Market | Page 2
- Sales of anti-TNFs are expected to decline due to the introduction of biosimilars and other novel
biologics and small molecules to treat RA.
- Developers of pipeline products will need strong clinical data and a clear development and
commercialization strategy to penetrate the competitive RA market.
- The market will continue to be dominated by Big Pharma who will leverage their R&D, manufacturing,
and distribution networks.
- Overview of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including etiology, pathophysiology, and country-specific
diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
- Annualized RA market revenue, annual cost of therapy and treatment usage pattern data from 2013 and
forecast for ten years to 2023.
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- Key topics covered include strategic competitor assessment, market characterization, unmet needs,
clinical trial mapping and implications for the RA biologics and biosimilars markets.
- Pipeline analysis: comprehensive data split across different phases and emerging trends, specifically
JAK inhibitors (such as Eli Lilly/Incyte's baricitinib), novel biologics (such as AstraZenecaMedImmune's mavrilimumab), and biosimilars (such as Celltrion/Hospira/Alvogen's Inflectra/Remsima).
- Analysis of the current and future market competition in the global RA market. Insightful review of the
key industry and governmental drivers, restraints and challenges. Each trend is independently researched
to provide qualitative analysis of its implications.
Reasons To Buy
- Develop and design your in-licensing and out-licensing strategies through a review of pipeline products
and technologies, and by identifying the companies with the most robust pipeline.
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the RA market.
- Drive revenues by understanding the key trends, innovative products and technologies, market
segments, and companies likely to impact the global RA market in the future.
- Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by understanding the competitive landscape and by
analyzing the performance of various competitors.