Pharmacy Profile 00627 Halls Gap Pharmacy Profile | Page 19

The fact that this business is for sale is confidential. The business profile and material and all things connected and related to this material are confidential and the purchaser must agree not to disclose them to any other person except the purchaser’s legal, accounting, financial advisers and bankers but then only on the basis that they have to provide to us their agreement to keep this information confidential, unless prior to receipt of the material, the Seller’s prior written consent is first had and obtained for the disclosure of this material to that party. As a result of perusing the business profile and material, and during the course of the inspection of the business the purchaser will become aware of information regarding the operation of the business and in particular the marketing of the business which is personal to the Seller and which has real financial value to the Seller. The purchaser must acknowledge that should such information become known to the Seller’s competitors or other parties interested in setting up a similar business in opposition to the Seller or used by ourselves in the operation of a similar business that these actions could cause financial loss and hardship to the Seller and the business and the Seller may have a right to seek compensation. All inspections of the business are to be by appointment arranged or organised through Mint Business Brokers only, and the purchaser must agree not to attempt to inspect the business or the premises from which the business is conducted, contact staff, suppliers, customers or contact the Seller directly other than through, and with, Mint Business Brokers. The purchaser must confirm they have been introduced to the below mentioned business by Mint Business Brokers and that details provided herein are correct. MINT BUSINESS BROKERS