Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly - 2011 - Fall Issue 1 | Page 28

What Works For Me

What Works For Me



Sometimes all you need is one great idea to get you moving forward . Check out these ideas from pharmacy marketers and owners on how they create a great marketing experience and grow their business .
“ Cold calling can seem overwhelming at times , but without it , your business will never grow to its full potential . There are two things I tell myself : first , always be persistent , follow-up and take notes . I have visited some offices three or four times before they have called in . Second , keep things simple and specific . Wouldn ’ t it be wonderful if we could whisk right in and chat with the physician every time we stopped into an office ? Unfortunately most often that is not the case and we are forced to leave our information with reception . If you can get their attention with one compound you always have an opportunity to share more services with them down the line once the relationship is established .”
- Lauren Onsa , Clinical Compound Pharmacy
“ I always try to practice active listening so that I can remember at least one thing about somebody that I meet , sometimes I might not be able to recall their name , however if I can remember something about that person that makes them special . For instance when was the last time you ran into a business associate , or a business you frequent and somebody said something like ‘ Hello sir welcome back , how is that project at work going we were talking about last time you were in ?’”
- Jonathan Carlier , Texas Star Pharmacy
“ We started a Travel Immunizations & Health Clinic in our pharmacy . Our first stop for marketing was to make travel themed posters detailing our services and dropping them off at travel agencies . The agents were thrilled to have a dedicated resource where they could refer clients .”
- Timothy Davis , Beaver Health Mart Pharmacy
“ Research , research , research . Did I mention research ? What works for me is knowing every detail of a practice before I call or visit the them for the first time . Start with Google to make sure that they are a reputable business . Read reviews and make sure they are clean with the law . Go to their Web site and learn as much as you can about their practice . Look at the ‘ Staff ’ tab to determine the point-person . Try to visit their personal Facebook page and LinkedIn profile because you might have more in common with them than you ’ d expect . People do business with people that they like and relate to . Be prepared and confident on your first interaction and the pre-planning that you did will pay off .”
- Kyle Lloyd , Abrams Royal Pharmacy
Have a tip to share on what works for you ? Email us today at editor @ PMQuarterly . com .