Pharmacy 2025 | Page 8

4 years February
RM58,560 Malaysian student
RM69,120 International student 2025 fees per year
Professionally recognised Work placement
CAREER PATHS The demand for pharmacists in Malaysia and the region is high , and pharmacists will remain a sought-after profession in the foreseeable future . Graduates will be able to find employment in the following sectors :
• community pharmacy
• hospital pharmacy
• government ( regulatory affairs )
• pharmaceutical industry
• armed services
• education and research .


KPT / JPT ( R2 / 727 / 6 / 0061 ) 03 / 27 - MQA / FA11712
Now more than ever , the world needs pharmacists .
As the experts in medicines and the way they interact with the body , pharmacists play a vital role in healthcare teams . Not only do pharmacists help patients understand and use medication , they ’ re also involved in drug development and innovation .
This course covers the applied pharmaceutical sciences , enabling sciences , clinical and therapeutic sciences , and pharmacy practice . It equips you with the professional skills and attributes required of a pharmacist . You ’ ll have the knowledge , experience and expertise you need to make a difference for people in hospitals , aged-care facilities and local communities from the moment you graduate .
Professionally accredited
This course is accredited by the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia and internationally accredited by the Australian Pharmacy Council .
What will I gain from this course ?
In the Bachelor of Pharmacy ( Honours ), you ’ ll learn how to :
• relate knowledge and skills attained in all themes of the course to the pharmacy practice context
• apply the relevant cognitive and technical skills for the practice of pharmacy as defined by the current competencies and expectations of future practice
• demonstrate , in the context of clinical situations , advanced cognitive and non-cognitive skills , including oral and written communication , critical thinking , learning for life , numeracy and information literacy , and leadership
• display the relevant professional and social values , attitudes and behaviour necessary for practice
• apply the knowledge and skills gained to promote , develop and contribute to the quality use of medicines and to the health of the community
• develop and implement a personalised learning plan to achieve skills required for entry into pre-registration training ( internship )
• demonstrate integrated problem-solving skills , innovative thinking and application of evidence in practice settings .
The intensive combination of learning and working will prepare you for registration as a pharmacist and open doors to you in a variety of pharmacy fields around the world .
Course structure
This course covers six fundamental themes :
A . Structure and function of the body ( how the body works ) These studies will provide you with the foundational understanding and knowledge of the human body , including studies of anatomy , physiology and biochemistry relevant to pharmacists .
B . Drug structure , disposition , and action ( how medicines work ) You ’ ll learn the important aspects for a molecule to become a medicine , and how medicines produce their effects . This will include studies of medicinal chemistry , pharmacology , pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics .
C . Professional practice ( what pharmacists do ) These studies will equip you with the sociocultural context in which the pharmacist and the client operate , social and health practice issues , ethical , legal context of pharmacy , and relevant professional and social values necessary for practice .
D . Comprehensive care Through these studies , you ’ ll acquire knowledge about diseases and disorders and their management . You ’ ll understand the relationship between pathophysiology and the design and use of drugs in treating various health conditions .
E . Inquiry and innovation These studies will build upon problem-solving and innovative thinking skills developed in previous units . You ’ ll apply these skills to conduct a project and explore innovative solutions in a laboratory , clinical , social or business environment .
F . Professional experience You ’ ll participate in work-based training and experiential programs in a variety of settings to develop and give context for your skill development .
General education pathway
Pre-university / Foundation ( 1 – 2 years )
Pharmacy degree ( 4 years )
Pharmacist training ( 1 year )
Compulsory service ( 1 year )
Your career begins