MEDICINAL CHEMIST Medicinal chemistry is an interdisciplinary science , drawing graduates from a range of different fields . A career in this area usually involves working on the development and testing of potentially therapeutic compounds . This might be within a company that is developing new products , for a research facility exploring new compounds , or at a regulatory agency testing pharmaceuticals for compliance .
PAINTS AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS SCIENTIST Not all pharmaceutical science graduates go on to work with products for human consumption . Graduates can find a role working on the development of many of the products we come into daily contact with , such as paints , pigments and protective coatings . These compounds are present in our living and working spaces , our clothing , our food packaging and many , many other products and environments . We ’ re exposed to them on a regular basis , so manufacturers must study them and be sure that they are safe .
PHARMACEUTICAL SALES AND MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE The best people for selling the benefits of a product are often those with the deepest understanding of how it works . For complex products developed and manufactured using pharmaceutical or chemical science , there is often a need for technical sales and marketing representatives able to talk with authority about the science behind the product . This is a skill many graduates have and for some , sales and marketing can be their next step beyond the lab after working in research and development .
PRODUCT DEVELOPER / FORMULATION SCIENTIST Product development scientists work in a variety of industries , including food , biotechnology , pharmaceutical science , and medical device manufacturing . They are typically based in the lab , developing new foods , drugs , and medical technologies or researching and developing ways to enhance existing products .
QUALITY ASSURANCE ( QA ) AND QUALITY CONTROL ( QC ) CHEMIST These two areas in manufacturing are closely related , but they have important differences . While QA is about ensuring that development and maintenance processes are adequate in order for a system to meet its objectives , QC is a set of activities designed to evaluate the developed products .
QA is a systems-based career , often focused on designing , implementing and managing new systems for the manufacturing process to ensure their quality .
A QC chemist is responsible for testing the products themselves . They prepare and test samples from all phases of a manufacturing or other handling process , with the goal of determining if the substance or product meets particular standards or requirements .
REGULATORY AFFAIRS ASSOCIATE Regulatory affairs involves ensuring a company and its products meet government regulations . For companies producing new products , it ’ s a crucial discipline . A skilled regulatory affairs associate can be the difference an effective product reaching the market or not . Regulatory professionals are expected to know the ins and outs of the medical regulation , and to understand how changing regulations will impact their industry .
SKINCARE AND COSMETICS DEVELOPER Youthful , clear skin is big business , with skincare and cosmetic companies around the world spending millions on researching and developing new products . There are plenty of opportunities in this fast-moving industry , with competing companies striving for the next breakthrough that will give them the edge .
It ’ s not just big-name international cosmetic brands that offer employment though . Many smaller companies exist in the field and it ’ s ripe for entrepreneurs .