Pharmacist Assistant Learnership Magazine - issue 3 July 2014 | Page 4

pharmacistassistant learnershipprogramme ataglance -jacquelinevoget The Pharmacy department is looking forward to the next few months ahead of us. Thanks to our hardworking facilitators and training managers, learners are on track to nish their courses in November. The improved communication processes between the various districts, the Department of Health and the National ofce has ensured the successful implementation of our processes and many efciencies have been gained. The pharmacy landscape in South Africa is also changing. The introduction of the Pharmacist Technician has grabbed everyone's attention now that the current pharmacist assistant course is drawing to a close. The learnership programme makes an impact to so many people's lives and Kheth’Impilo is dedicated to continue to train pharmacy support personnel and strengthen the healthcare services within the Department of Health. 516 291 222 294 LBPA LPBPA 225 23 districts 2 123 facilities 4 provinces ” >697K monthly patient head count 254 TUTORS