Personal branding is one of today's
hottest career strategy topics and
essential tool for thriving in a fast
paced work environment. Did you
know people who portray a strong
identiable personal brand
contribute and enhance the brand
of their company? It is vital to
understand, build and communicate
your personal brand to keep your
professional image current. Managing the perception of
people through a uniquely distinguishable and memorable
impression will help you create a platform to leverage your
expertise with distinction.
Raise your professional prole; there is no substitute for
presence! Set short term goals to help you on your new
quest, How?
Step up to the plate – Think
about this in your next
meeting. Don't keep quiet
and wait for someone to
hand you the job you hate
doing. Volunteer rst or
offer to do something that
you know you can excel at
and deliver results. Play
your strengths!
Keep current - An excellent
informed answer could very
well surprise an unsuspecting
authority. Read reports and
keep up to date with your
industry related news through
magazines and newsletters.
Your knowledge will reect in
your conversations with
Dress distinctively Remember that old saying,
"Dress for success".
Getting noticed can be as
easy as dressing the part.
The trick is not to wear
something that is too overpowering, but to wear
something that catches the
Become an expert Increase your inuence
and value by becoming
an expert at something
you do really well. Aim
to become the "go to"
person on a specic
topic. You will know
what yours is.
Network - Perhaps the
hardest hurdle, but you
should grab every
opportunity possible!
Increase your exposure
through engaging social
projects or volunteer to serve
on some committees. Get
your name out. Opportunity
sometimes presents itself in
the least expected way.