pharmaceutical Market Research Report Global Telehealth Market Trends and Opportunitie | Page 2

Scope of the Report The report titled “ Global Telehealth Market : Trends and Opportunities ( 2016-2020 )” provides an indepth analysis of global telehealth market focusing on important market aspects . It also accesses the key opportunities and underlying trends in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry in the forecasted period ( 2016-20 ). Further , key telehealth services providers such as Teladoc Inc , MDLIVE Inc and American Well are profiled in the report will their detailed market strategies .
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Geographical Coverage North America ( The US ) Europe ( The UK )
Company Coverage Teladoc Inc MDLIVE Inc American Well
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Executive Summary Telehealth is a broader term which inculcates the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care , patient and professional health-related education , public health etc . Telehealth is a subset of Digital Healthcare . It includes many medical subspecialties , such as Telecardiology , Teledermatology , Teleneurology , Telepathology , Telepsychiatry , Teleradiology , Telesurgery / Remote Surgery and Teletrauma . Specialties such as Telepediatrics and Telepsychiatry are practiced by using live videoconferencing systems .
Globally , telehealth market is divided into North America , Europe , Asia-Pacific , and the Rest of the World ( Middle East & Africa , and Latin America ) region . The North American market commands the largest share of the global market , followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific . Asia-Pacific is the fastestgrowing region in this market . Detailed analysis with focus on key dynamics of North American and European markets is provided in the report .
The major driving force for this market is the ageing population , rising prevalence of chronic diseases , rising cost of healthcare , etc . Technological innovations and advancements fuel the market growth . Major market constraints are low consumer adoption & utilization of telehealth , limited HER connectivity , reimbursement challenges and various regulatory and legal concerns . Key trends prevailing in the market includes Venture funding in telehealth companies , Acquisitions in the industry and improvement of reimbursement landscape globally .
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