Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 14

6 cultivation and it is fairly hard to find big specimens. Culti- vation might be a little bit touchier than for other species of the genus. Phalaenopsis braceana (J.D. Hook.) Christenson [= Doritis braceana J.D. Hook.; = Kingidium braceanum (J.D. Hook.) Seidenf.; = Kingidium naviculare Tsi ex Hashimoto; = Biermannia naviculare Tang & Wang ex Gruss & Röllke] is a miniature species from China and Bhutan forming dense clumps of roots from which emerge one to two quickly de- ciduous leaves (2.5 x 1 cm). Inflorescences form more or less erect racemes that bear four to six flowers reaching 3 cm in natural spread and are somewhat variable in color. Sepals and petals are ranging from yellow to green or to rich green- ing bronze variously suffused with pale pink and the lip is dark rose (Figures 4 & 5) . This species has been considered as a synonym for P. tae