Phalaenopsis Journal First Quarter Vol. 21(3) 2012 | Page 8

along with contact information from events.htm Region 12: Southeast — Tom Harper Carlos Fighetti, former AOS President and current IPA Vice President, will present a Phalaenopsis program at our regional meeting at Lines Orchids in Signal Mountain, Tennessee on Saturday, June 2, 2012. Greenhouses open at 9 AM with our program to begin at 10 AM. An announce- ment of his program topic will be made in the next IPA Journal. Carlos is an excellent speaker having traveled the world gathering information on breeding and culture of Phalaenopsis. Joining Carlos will be Tom Wise of John’s Island Orchids in South Carolina. Tom will present his program “The Big Bang Theory: Phalaenopsis equestris and its Hybrids”. Tom recently gave this program to the Region 13 meeting in Hickory, NC. His program focuses on the multifloras cre- ated by breeding with Phal. equestris and Phal. stuartiana. It’s an excellent program, not to be missed. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for the meeting. We’ll have our auction to raise monies for the IPA Journal Color Fund, some great hospitality provided by Lines Orchids, and a great opportunity to visit with your orchid friends. Contact Tom Harper, harper_sro@ for additional information. Region 13: Piedmont - Linda Thorne The Region 13 Winter Meeting of the IPA was held in Hickory, NC on January 28, 2012. Hosted by the Cataw- ba Valley Orchid Society and held at the Hickory Furniture Mart, 55 Phalaenopsis enthu- siasts enjoyed a full day with five speakers providing in- formation and presentations about Phalaenopsis orchids. We were honored to have the Honorable Randy Wright, Mayor of Hickory, to wel- come us. After sharing with us the story of the founding of Hickory, first known as Hickory Tavern, a gathering place for locals, he present- ed Linda Thorne, our IPA regional representative and meeting organizer, the Key to the City. Everyone applauded the Mayor’s kind gesture which provided a great start to our meeting. Lester Poole kicked off the day with his presentation titled “Phalaenopsis A Journey of Imagination.” His PowerPoint lecture featured a variety of allied Vanda genera that can be hybridized with Phalaenopsis. The possibilities to cre- ate new shapes, colors and interesting blooms are endless now that Lester explained how Asconopsis, Renanthopsis, Sediropsis, Phalanetia and other intergeneric beauties can be produced by just thinking out of the traditional hybrid- izing box. The greatest challenge to hybridizers is the lack of fertility of the hybrid and the limited number of viable seed produced. Tom Wise of John’s Island Orchids continued the program with “The Big Bang Theory: Phalaenopsis equestris and its Hybrids”. Tom traveled from Charleston, South Carolina to share his very well presented and organized talk featur- ing the overall appeal and charm of Phal. stuartiana and Phal. equestris hybrids. We took a close look at Phalaenop- sis Cassandra and its influence in producing those beauti- ful multifloral Phalaenopsis. Our catered luncheon was wonderful and featured a va- riety of cold-cut sandwiches, some of the best potato salad many of us have ever had followed by those wonderful chocolate chip cookies. While some were finishing their lunch, others perused the sales area again in search of that “got-to-take-home” favorite Phalie. Next, our auctioneer, David Janvrin, did a superb job with his quick wit and enthusiasm to raise monies for the IPA. We are grateful for his work and to all those who donated plants to our auction. Our total came to $590. After the auction, and while AOS judging was tak- ing place in a separate area, Mike Mims from North Carolina delivered a su- perb program entitled “The Colorful World of Fragrant Phalaenopsis: Hybridizing at Home.” Mike’s beautiful photographs of his own hy- brids caught the attention of everyone in the room. They were beautiful! Mike’s hybridizing goal is to pro- duce a beautifully colored and fragrant orchid that is easy to grow. The larger and more colorful the hybrid, the better. All of the hybrids Mayor Randy Wright presenting the Hickory, North Carolina city key to Linda Thorne. 84 First Quarter, Vol. 21(3) 2012 - Phalaenopsis