Phalaenopsis Journal First Quarter Vol. 21(3) 2012 | Page 13

Hebert Hager Award 2010 Wesley Higgins T he Herbert Hager Award was established in the spring of 1992 by members of the International Phalaenopsis Alliance and the friends of Herbert Hager. It recognizes the accomplishments of the late Herb Hager, his lifelong dedication to the advance- ment of orchids, especially to Phalaenopsis, through pio- neering hybridizing and superior culture. In October 2011, the American Orchid Society granted the 2010 Herbert Hager Award to Chian Xen Biotechnology, Inc. for Dori- taenopsis Chian Xen Piano ‘CX339’ FCC 93/AOS in San Antonio, Texas. Doritaenopsis Chian Xen Piano ‘CX339’ is a cross of Dtps. Jiuhbao Victoria x Dtps. Chian Xen Mammon that was originally awarded at Taiwan International Orchid Show on March 4, 2010. The AOS description reads, “Thirty-one perfectly formed, stupen- dously marked harlequin flowers displayed dramati- cally on two cascaded, 42- cm, branched inflorescenc- es; sepals and petals crisp white, heavy, bold, broad rich purple stripes, centers largely white, picotee soft purple; lip white, lavender distally; substance firm; tex- ture crystalline.” The cross was made by Mr. Huang Fu-Liang in 2008 who has been breeding Doritaenop- sis since 1980. Huang Jian- Ming is the manager of Chi- an Xen Biotechnology Inc., which breeds and grows moth orchids. The company was founded by Huang’s fa- ther and the younger Huang still recalls when his father first started growing moth orchids three decades ago. “They had this group of people who met every few Phalaenopsis - First Quarter, Vol. 21(3) 2012 days to share opinions on varieties, techniques and every- thing about the orchid,” Huang says. “There wasn’t any re- ward when someone developed a unique variety except for the praise and envy of other members, which apparently was enough to keep them obsessed.” Huang’s father is still in charge of breeding new varieties at Chian Xen, and one of his varieties won the gold medal in the moth orchid cat- egory at the 2010 Taiwan International Orchid Show held in Tainan County, southern Taiwan. “There seems to be a gene chart the older generation of breeders keeps in their heads,” Huang says. “Just by looking at the ‘parents,’ they can pretty much know what kind of ‘children’ there will be.” 1 1 “Orchids Blossom into Big Business”, Jim Hwang, Taiwan Review, 10/01/2010, 13