PetroMagasinet 2-2013 | Page 2

Scale removed by Pipetech


Pipetech offers the market ’ s most advanced scale-and debris removal technology , using water as our only working medium
The Pipetech method ensures fast , clean and long-lasting effects . We are able to negotiate through pipe bends , narrowed ID and even solid blocked pipes . We offer optimized and costeffective solutions for any cleaning requirements , pipes , heat exchangers , tanks or vessels of any kind or material .
All safely operated , cost-effective and with no chemicals .
Contact Pipetech to optimize your flow .
Pipetech International AS Dusavikveien 27 N4007 Stavanger , Norway T : + 47 51 59 98 50 pipetech @ pipetech . no
Pipetech ( BI ) Ltd Dinsdale house North Sea Supply Base Middlesbrough – TS2 1UT www . pipetech . no