The Science Of
THE WORK world is tough: Wake up, go to work, deal with
the boss (or if you are the boss, deal with everyone), make
money (ideally to make more this year than last year), come
home, manage personal life, go to bed, wake up, repeat.
That's plenty to deal with every day. Why get fancy (and
waste time) by trying to also understand why you do what
you do? The answer to that question isn't fancy; it's simple.
Discovering the WHY injects passion into our work. This
is not a formula for success. There are many ways to be
successful (by traditional metrics); however, the Golden
Circle is a tool to help us achieve long-term, fulfilling
The Golden Circle
Every organization—and every person’s career—
operates on three levels, as shown in the illustration to
the right: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. We
all know what we do: the products we sell, the services we
offer, or the jobs we do. Some of us know how we do it: the
things that we think make us different or stand out from
the crowd. But very few of us can clearly articulate why we
do what we do.
The WHY is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives
every organization and every person's individual career.
Why does your company exist? Why did you get out of bed
this morning? And why should anyone care?
Companies that inspire, companies that command trust
and loyalty over the long term, are the ones that make us
feel we're accomplishing something bigger than just saving
a buck. That feeling of alliance with something bigger is
the reason we keep wearing the jersey of our hometown
sports team even though they’ve missed the playoffs
for 10 years and counting. It’s why some of us will always