Leadership Team has grown from six to 11
members who all participate in the day, and
the team, in Paul’s own words, is “as strong
as it’s ever been.”
Meeting Rhythms
According to Paul, Daily Huddles have
been the largest contributor to bringing
team leaders and employees back into
alignment with company goals. The quick,
informative meetings keep the team on
the same page and provide continuous
Setting huddles up for both the executive
team and for smaller breakouts between
departments allows leadership to stay
informed about what’s happening across
the organization and minimize overlap. It
also helps employees to understand their
priorities for the day and how they each
play into the overall company mission.
Employees that feel heard and have a sense
of the bigger picture are more inclined to
cooperate in the pursuit of unified goals.
Technology has also magnified the effect
of Daily Huddles. With the use of video
meeting rooms, employees in any location
are able to participate in their respective
huddles. The Align software has also
played a major part in identifying clear and
measurable priorities and the tasks needed
to achieve them.
“Without Align, Daily Huddles wouldn’t be
nearly as impactful,” said Paul. “By getting
in front of a team in a huddle, stating what
you’re going to do, and putting it in Align to
visibly measure progress, everyone is truly
being held accountable for doing what they
say they’re going to do.”
Company Culture
Prior to working with Petra Coach,
the Company Nurse culture was siloed.
Departments lacked proper communication
channels, and some leaders were taking a
toxic approach to team management. Paul
wanted the right people in the right seats,
creating healthy interaction throughout
the organization.
With Petra Coach, Company Nurse laid
out five Core Values to embody the culture
they wanted to maintain moving forward:
Do the Right Thing
Go the Extra 2 Miles
Drive to Find Solutions
Compassion for Everyone
Work Together to Work It Out
“We’d created Core Values previously,
but they were not specific and were not
alive in our workplace,” Paul explained.
“With Petra, we were able to more narrowly
define them and bring them to life in what
we do every day.”
With these values established, Company
Nurse put in measures to recognize
employees who exhibited these traits
in their day-to-day. They commend
leaders—who have shown excellence in
demonstrating Core Values with monthly
“Core Value Awards.”
“[Recipients] get their picture on social
media, everyone congratulates them, they
get a little certificate they can put at their
booth,” Paul said. “It really encourages
not only going above and beyond with
our Core Values, but also comradery and
appreciation among the team.”
Team members also have the opportunity
to anonymously nominate each other for
“Cheers for Peers” in TinyPolls when they
notice a colleague going the “extra 2 miles.”
Since heeding Petra Coach’s advice,
Company Nurse is not only maintaining
low turnover and receiving rave reviews
from current employees, but they’re
also attracting back employees who had
previously left to seek other opportunities.
With the help of Petra Coach, Company
Nurse has seen double-digit growth—
including a 30 percent spike in contracts
over the past year alone—with their client
base expanding to larger names and
companies. Their cost of sales is steadily
decreasing while employee happiness
and engagement is rapidly increasing. As
a result, Company Nurse has celebrated
two consecutive years as “Top Company to
Work For” in Arizona.
“One of the Scaling Up questions I’ve
heard time and time again is, ‘Would you
enthusiastically rehire each member of
your team?’” Paul said. “Four or five years
ago, that was ‘eh.’ But today, it is currently
a ‘Yes,’ and I think that’s one of the biggest
measures of success for a program like this.”
Looking to the future, the company’s Big
Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to have a
positive impact on 15 percent of workplace
injury incidents by January 2028.
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