Petra Post Magazine Issue 1 | Page 5

PL ANNING Do You Have Your 20/20 Vision? BY MARSHALL MARTIN, CERTIFIED PETRA COACH YEARS AGO, I had a triathlon coach who told me that the work you do in the first 90 days is what sets you up for strong performance throughout the year. This principle applies to business as well. The first quarter of the year is the time to reflect on the previous 12 months, build a vision for the future, lay the proper foundation, and set work plans for your best performance both personally and professionally. The following steps will help you get there: Set Aside Time to Plan For your personal life, start with a One Page Personal Plan (OPPP). Most businesses have strategic documents, but most business professionals do not. Everyone should have a document that lays out what they want to accomplish personally and professionally as well as what their legacy will be once their career/ life is done. The first quarter of the year is a good time to take out your OPPP, reflect on your successes from the previous year, and set new goals for the year ahead. Did you maintain or build strong relationships? Reach the accomplishments you aspired to? Set new rituals? Create more wealth? If you answered no to any of these questions, ask yourself why and reset for the coming year. Just as the OPPP guides you in your personal life, a One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP) will guide you in business. As the year closes out and the new one begins, you should be asking yourself similar questions as you did above in your OPPP. Did the business accomplish its goals? Did the team grow at the same rate that the business grew? Did the culture maintain harmony? Did the business accumulate wealth? Take the time to review the Annual Initiatives and Targets from the past year and reset those, along with future Three to Five Year Targets and Thrusts and Capabilities. Revisit these often as they will keep the day-to-day chaos from taking over and align the organization for success. Engage a Coach Behind every great athlete is a great coach who inspires them to be better and holds them to what they say they will do. If you are not currently using a coach, you should be looking for one. Find that person who you can trust to lead you to achieve the things you know are possible if you keep focused and have accountability. A good coach is not always going to tell you what you want to hear, but they will tell you what you need to hear so you can get out of your own way on the road to success. You cannot do alone what you can do with a coach to push you along. Take Care of You First High performance starts with your ability to play hard on a consistent basis. Business is a grind, and to be able to keep pace with the rigors of the game of business, you must be willing to take 5 care of yourself. It’s proven that those who incorporate healthier lifestyles perform at a higher level in business and set an example for others. For 32 years, I have participated in triathlons and have competed internationally at the highest levels in an effort to consistently keep pace in business. Just as I mentioned above in regard to hiring a coach in business, you should also have a coach or a trainer in your personal life that holds you accountable to high health standards. Your energy levels will skyrocket and active blood flow to the brain helps facilitate critical thinking and decision making. Establish or Join a Peer Group or Align Yourself with Other Accountability Partners Surround yourself with a group of friends and colleagues that are going through the same things you are. Often as leaders, we find ourselves feeling alone, not realizing that there are many who are on the same journey. These groups will also hold you accountable to what you say you will do and can help you navigate challenges in your business and personal life. There are always many opportunities to attend social gatherings to build networks of people who can help you on your journey. The year 2020 is just kicking off, and it is not too early to start planning to get ahead. Think like a champion and you will have your best year ever.