WE ’ VE ALL witnessed it : a child that doesn ’ t follow the societal norms expected in a traditional classroom subsequently gets labeled as a “ bad kid ” and faces challenging obstacles for the rest of their childhood . These obstacles can make or break someone . Some children rise above , find themselves , and ultimately reach their full potential . But for others , this dynamic pushes them down repeatedly , making it hard for them to rise above it and succeed through different stages of life . The difference in outcomes isn ’ t actually dependent on the child in most cases . Rather , it is dependent on how they are taught to think about and navigate every obstacle .
If your child comes home with a note from their teacher saying they talked too much , disrupted the class , and spent the afternoon in detention , you have two choices : you can jump on the punishment bandwagon and reinforce the idea that your child is “ bad ,” or you can help your child think differently about this reality . Okay , so they like to talk . Public speaking , presenting , and good communication are all phenomenal characteristics in a future leader . If instead of getting reprimanded for talking a lot in the wrong situations they are taught about the different settings where talking is rewarded , they can reframe how they see themselves and their unique talents and weaknesses .
We all have our own superpowers and ways in which we ’ ll contribute to the world around us . Some of those superpowers are rewarded in traditional settings like the classroom while others are cast aside or labeled as negative . In order for children to understand and harness their own superpowers , they need help from the adults in their lives . Through the 7 stages of this journey — Awareness , Acceptance , Appreciation , Amplification , Alignment , Avoidance , and Affiliation — kids can learn how to use their powers for good .
With a simple exercise , children can highlight their strengths and weaknesses , finally becoming aware of the ways that they excel or struggle in daily situations .
From there , parents can help them find acceptance of themselves by reminding their child of all the ways that their strengths and weaknesses can positively impact the world around them . This conversation leads to appreciation .
When a child knows and appreciates their unique capabilities , parents can help them amplify their skills with different activities and unique opportunities . For example , if your child won ’ t stop climbing on things and running around the classroom , enroll them in a sport like gymnastics where climbing and running are cherished , rewarded , and valuable . In settings that accept their superpowers , children are likely to find a sense of alignment in their lives that solidifies their positive selfperception and helps them grow .
An important component of alignment is allowing your child to avoid activities and situations that aren ’ t a good fit for them . Instead of forcing piano lessons on your child who struggles to stay seated and focused , let them say “ No thanks !” and find power in advocating for themselves . Only at this point will your child confidently find affiliation in group settings where they can succeed . Home , school , sports , and other extracurriculars are all great opportunities for affiliation , but there is a lot of work that must come first , from both the parent and child .
In his book The Freak Factor , David J . Rendall recounts stories of growing up as the “ bad kid ” and details how he and others overcame limiting labels in childhood to turn into adults with superpowers . Parents play a critical role in their children ’ s lives , but perhaps the most important role is helping their child find their superpower , understand it , and use it for good . Don ’ t wait until negative messages have permeated your child ’ s reality . Put in the work now to help them focus on all the good they are capable of .