HOROSCOPES Aries (March 21 – April 19) There is going to be a new suitor soon! Be at your best behavior. Take control and show the newbie the ropes around the household. Your person will definitely take notice and might even reward you. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Being self-absorbed will not get you far. Learn from your mates. A yummy treat may be in store for all of you. Do not greedily gobble up all of it and lick the bowl clean. Let your furry friends join in the fun in the sun. Go out and enjoy the barbecues. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Feeling a little under the weather? Do not worry, Libra. This may mean trips to he-who- must-not-be-named but that will only make you better. Psst…if you behave, you might be the owner of one of those pretty newly launched treats your human just picked up at the supermarket. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) There is no love like self-love! Spend the day at the spa and spoil yourself a little. Get your fur shampooed and trimmed to perfection. Get your claws clipped and filed. Ask for their best masseuse and get a relaxing massage. Be your own best date and try not to bite the groomer. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) You may notice you are being a little clumsy, but then it is not your fault. It is that time of the year. The best advice for you is to try and keep away from your humans business. Being overly curious could lead to punishment. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Do not turn a blind eye to the chance of finding your four-legged love. Who knows, you may find ‘the one’ in a special friend. keep your friends close and your enemies closer! It is time to be cautious of someone trying to sabotage your new budding relationship. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) You are feeling creative and have no idea what to change around you. Try moving your cushion to a new place. Preferably near the cabinet with all the yummy treats or the balcony where your little flying friend comes to visit. You may experience a disturbance in the routine. Everyone knows you are laidback most of the time, but sometimes you need to stomp that paw and woof authoritatively to show those around you that the rules must not be broken. Its okay to be a little cranky in this heat. Not so much when your owner is crankier. Be the bigger being and be understanding. Keep that muzzle up and swish that tail. Your positive attitude just might lift your owners spirits too. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb 19) You may notice some chaotic activity around you. Do not be alarmed, Aquarius. That is just your human preparing for the summer barbecue. Try to help out if needed by eating the leftovers. Otherwise just keep to yourself. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Do not feel lonely. Have faith that soon you will meet your perfect mate. Till then, enjoy having the entire house to yourself. Never let go of your dreams and keep hoping for the best. Even though your human is bringing a roomie, do not be alarmed, this could be your chance to make a forever friend. It may seem like taking a walk in this heat is a bad idea, Virgo, but you do not want to miss this opportunity. Look your best and dress to impress. Keep that muzzle up and enjoy a good roll in the grass and sun. 51