Pete Cohen - Motivational Speaker and Executive Coach Executive Coaching | Page 8

What Ultimately Makes The Difference

Do you consider yourself the kind of person who can benefit from executive coaching ? If you talk with athletes such as Sally Gunnell , Ronnie O ’ Sullivan , and Ellen MacArthur , they will tell you that no matter how accomplished we may be , there is a level of performance that only the right coach can help them achieve . Members of the Arsenal Football team will tell you the same thing .
I have a collection of sports clichés cleverly repackaged for the corner offices of the corporate world .
In fact , nothing is packaged at all , because what we are doing together is identifying your core strengths , that very personal framework of leadership I mentioned , and systematically expanding these strengths .
What we do together will be structured and measured . It will be challenging , and it will be worthwhile .
If you are ready to explore this and get together with me to learn more , please give my office a call at 07974143221
Or you can send an email to pete @ petecohen . com
Thank you for your consideration . I respect the value of your time , and I appreciate your giving this relationship with me some serious thought .
Sincerely , Pete Cohen
P . S . I have been told by more than one of the executives I have coached that something that makes absolutely no sense starts to happen soon after we start working together . The executive feels he is carrying less of a load – that the burdens of leadership seem to have diminished , while effectiveness and measurable results grow .
This is what I ’ m always delighted to hear , and what I would be delighted to help you achieve in your life .
Visit me online at PeteCohen . Com