Pet Life Magazine, New Zealand Pet Life Magazine Issue 3 Winter 2017 | Page 16


We all want our pets to be fit and healthy , to perform to their optimal potential and to have an excellent quality of life . Good nutrition is fundamentally important to help your animal stay healthy as it provides the basic building blocks that their body needs to function at its best .
When an animal ’ s diet is poor and then changed to include wholesome , well-balanced foods , there will be a remarkable improvement in their condition . The animal ’ s working performance will become enhanced and , often , chronic and ongoing health problems begin to resolve . Many years ago , modern processed diets began to replace healthy meals . Because our pets ate our table scraps , their diets became imbalanced and vets saw frequent cases of nutritional deficiency diseases such as rickets . Commercial foods were created to balance a pet ’ s diet , helping to make up for severe deficiencies . Subsequently , nutritional deficiency diseases are no longer commonplace . However , many commercial foods do not have optimal amounts of valuable essential fats , vitamins and antioxidants that are tremendously important for a healthy skin and coat , flexible and smooth joints and a fully functional immune system . In addition to this , some of these foods contain poor-quality ingredients and often high amounts of chemical preservatives , and that may be detrimental to the long-term health and performance of your pet . As is the trend in human medicine , our pets now face more frequently a set of diseases called degenerative diseases . These include conditions such as allergies , arthritis , heart disease , cancers and autoimmune disease . What we feed our pets plays a great role in the development and management of these conditions . Like us , animals benefit greatly from food that is wholesome , natural and unprocessed . These foods are easily digested and used by their bodies , and have high amounts of important vitamins , antioxidants and essential fatty acids . They are also easy to prepare .
What to feed ? When choosing a commercial diet for your pet , make sure it is of high quality with wholesome ingredients . Don ’ t choose a food that is bulked up with processed carbohydrates and fillers ( not natural components of a carnivore ’ s diet ). Ideally it should be free of chemicals and preservatives , and well balanced . There are tremendous benefits of feeding your dog or cat a raw food diet , but there are also several pitfalls . If you choose this option , it is important to feed your pet correctly . An ideal diet for dogs and cats includes raw meat , ideally from animals which have been well nourished and raised in a wholesome environment . Meat should be fresh , pre-frozen or air dried to minimise the risk of disease from pathogens ( bugs like bacteria ) and hydatid cysts . Of course , cats and dogs have a greater tolerance for organisms such as salmonella and E . Coli than humans , especially if they have healthy immune system ( which is supported by the quality of nutrients consumed ).
Organ meats , such as liver , kidney and heart , should be about one fifth of the meat component . Heart mince is very important , especially for cats , as it contains high amounts of taurine ( essential for cats ) and other valuable nutrients . Appropriately-sized RAW bones are an important part of a balanced raw-food diet as they provide important minerals ( especially calcium ) and vitamins , and help to keep teeth clean . Plant matter is also important – it simulates the gut content of prey consumed in the wild and contains phytonutrients , vitamins and other nutritive substances important for vitality . Avoid potentially toxic raisins , grapes , onions , macadamia nuts and chcolate .
Some issues of a raw-food diet Bones are usually safe as long as they are raw ( cooked bones splinter ) – but for those animals who tend to gulp down their food it is recommended that the bones be either too big for them to swallow ( only chewed ) or crushed up in the food . Some dogs may not tolerate bones and get a sore tummy or vomit . In these cases , bones may need to be crushed up and introduced to the diet gradually – this helps the animal to build up the ability to digest them . Bugs like E . coli and salmonella generally are not a problem if the meat is fresh or frozen . Cats and dogs also have a greater tolerance for these organisms than humans , but for animals that are immunosuppressed – eg , dogs that are on immunosuppressants like steroids or cats that have FIV ( feline Aids ) – it is important to be extra careful . Parasites such as hydatids are killed by freezing raw meat for three days at -20 degrees Celsius or seven days at -10C . It is illegal to feed raw offal to dogs otherwise . Hydatids can be avoided altogether by feeding chicken , which doesn ’ t harbour hydatids .
Broths Broths have become popular for humans and animals as a way to provide a concentrated source of nutrients that help to nourish the body , especially for those who are unwell . A broth can be made by boiling up leftover bones . This soup will have collagen and minerals that help to support healing . Certain herbs with therapeutic properties may also be added . Ginger and turmeric , for example , help to improve circulation and provide antioxidant and immune support . Also , turmeric has been shown to have some anti-cancer properties . Dogs can be given 50mg-250mg of the dried turmeric herb one to three times a day ; cats can have 50mg-100mg daily .
The Bigger Picture Encouraging the use of safe , unprocessed food that is farmed as naturally as possible assists in embracing a culture of environmental sustainability . It also reduces our impact on the planet . Nature knows best . Our animals evolved eating natural foods so this is what we should feed them . By doing so , our loyal friends will live long and happy lives and we will have peace of mind knowing that we are contributing to the wellbeing of our environment .
Dr . Liza Schneider Director / Veterinarian Tel . 07 578 7054 www . holisticvets . co . nz 56 Fraser Street , Tauranga Bay of Plenty , New Zealand